I really need a manicure!

“Nature is beautiful and amazing – i just point my camera at it”. – Black Cat. Photo: “I really need a manicure”! (Photo by Black Cat)

05 Nov 2012 10:26:00
New Internet Sensation - Cat Circles

Residents of Reddit have found a strange phenomenon. If you make a circle on the floor with anything from tinfoil to scotch tape, the house cat would simply love to sit right in the middle of it. Is it a fake, or do cats actually like sitting in circles on the floor? We cannot answer this question until we test it out ourselves. However, one thing is for sure – cats are curious and adorable creatures that never cease to amaze us. So, if you own a cat, try this experiment yourself, and see if your cat likes to sit in an imaginary circle on the floor.
14 Nov 2014 14:10:00
Cats Taking Selfies Part 1

The selfie is the most popular photography trend of the internet today. It's gotten so popular, in fact, that even our beloved feline friends have started to catch on. I dare you to keep the smile off your face for this one!

See also:Cats Taking Selfies Part 2
16 Mar 2014 15:47:00
Hot Guys and Cats Striking Part4

Cats and p*rn have got to be the two most searched keywords on the Internet, and finally there’s a whole page dedicated to both! “Des Hommes et des Chatons” tumblr page presents a hilarious series of diptychs showing hot guys and cats doing similar expressions and poses. And as if it wasn’t enough, the combinations include such celebrities as Johnny Depp, Ryan Gosling, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Pierce Brosnan.

See also:
Part2 Part3
09 May 2013 12:05:00
Pashtan Wagner, a Blue Oriental Cat participates in the GCCF Supreme Cat Show at National Exhibition Centre on October 28, 2017 in Birmingham, England. (Photo by Shirlaine Forrest/WireImage)

Pashtan Wagner, a Blue Oriental Cat participates in the GCCF Supreme Cat Show at National Exhibition Centre on October 28, 2017 in Birmingham, England. (Photo by Shirlaine Forrest/WireImage)
01 Nov 2017 08:54:00
Sweet Couple: Dog And Cat

On the streets of Kunming, Yunnan Province, you can find odd couple – a dog and a cat who sits on his four-legged companion. They are Vantsay and Mimi. The owner of animals, a 42-year-old retired policeman Xu Jin is surprised with so strong friendship. “When I got the dog, and I began to take her for a walk, the cat became plaintive, – says the man. – So I bought a leash and began to take her too. Soon, however, the cat began to tire and quickly realized that it is much easier to ride on the back of a dog. ”
18 Mar 2015 11:01:00
A photographer has captured the bizarre beauty of sphynx cats in a series of intriguing portraits. Creative Alicia Rius snapped them from different angles showing off their unusual flesh, colourings and bones. (Photo by Alicia Rius/Caters News)

A photographer has captured the bizarre beauty of sphynx cats in a series of intriguing portraits. Creative Alicia Rius snapped them from different angles showing off their unusual flesh, colourings and bones. In the images the cats can be seen curiously playing, observing their surroundings and even grooming themselves. (Photo by Alicia Rius/Caters News)
16 Apr 2015 12:41:00
Space Cats By Zippora Lux

Boya Latumahina, alter ego, Zippora Lux is a Design student studying at Central St Martins in London. She has created these space age cats by combining two of her favourite things, cats and telescopic photographs.
01 Dec 2013 10:34:00