A girl walks along former railway tracks in the so- called “Tunnel of Love”, surrounded by arches of intertwined trees, near the Ukrainian village of Klevan, Rivno region, on August 6, 2018. The tunnel of about five kilometres in length is a botanical phenomenon, which became a cult place for tourists and couples in love. The tourist legend says that wishes of couples in love will come true, if the couple passes through the tunnel. (Photo by Sergei Supinsky/AFP Photo)

A girl walks along former railway tracks in the so- called “Tunnel of Love”, surrounded by arches of intertwined trees, near the Ukrainian village of Klevan, Rivno region, on August 6, 2018. The tunnel of about five kilometres in length is a botanical phenomenon, which became a cult place for tourists and couples in love. The tourist legend says that wishes of couples in love will come true, if the couple passes through the tunnel. (Photo by Sergei Supinsky/AFP Photo)
08 Aug 2018 08:31:00
Denis and Nelya, both 30, from Moscow, Russia invited brown bear Stepan along to their very special ceremony. As well as witnessing the couple exchange vows, the bear also played the role of registrar at one point. Denis said: “We both knew Stepan is a very kind bear but still it is a huge, unpredictable animal so we were a bit scared, but still happy to be able to make our dream come true. It was a fantastic experience to have this photoshoot with Stepan”. (Photo by Olga Barantseva/Caters News)

Denis and Nelya, both 30, from Moscow, Russia invited brown bear Stepan along to their very special ceremony. As well as witnessing the couple exchange vows, the bear also played the role of registrar at one point. Denis said: “We both knew Stepan is a very kind bear but still it is a huge, unpredictable animal so we were a bit scared, but still happy to be able to make our dream come true. It was a fantastic experience to have this photoshoot with Stepan”. (Photo by Olga Barantseva/Caters News)
01 Nov 2016 12:14:00
“The King”, Johnathon Haddock poses for a portrait with the Garland before the procession during “Castleton Garland Day” on May 29, 2019 in Castleton, England. The first records of Garland day date back to the 1700's and though it's true origins are not fully understood it is believed to be an ancient fertility rite with Celtic connections. The celebration also incorporates more recent elements of 'Oak Apple Day' which falls on May 29th, and celebrates the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. The garland is a framework of cut flowers which is prepared on the day by villagers before being placed on the head of the “King”, and paraded around the town on horseback with his “Consort”, also on horseback, dressed in Stuart costume. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

“The King”, Johnathon Haddock poses for a portrait with the Garland before the procession during “Castleton Garland Day” on May 29, 2019 in Castleton, England. The first records of Garland day date back to the 1700's and though it's true origins are not fully understood it is believed to be an ancient fertility rite with Celtic connections. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
01 Jun 2019 00:07:00
Mud Makes Man By Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi

31-year-old Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi has created an incredibly interesting photographic series about the struggle of an artist. First, though, you may be asking yourself these questions: Exactly, what are we looking at? How did the photographer achieve this strange, sculpture-like illusion?

Gasteazi asked his friend Julián to cover himself with a mixture of blue paint and mud. He then photographed Julián at various stages. Later, in Photoshop, Gasteazi cut around his subject's body to make him appear like a floating sculpture.
06 Jun 2015 09:18:00

Once upon a time a myth was born that insects, unlike animals, are just a machines that not capable of learning and survive only based on their instincts. That myth has become the widespread opinion. Of course, this opinion is indeed erroneous, like many other widespread opinions. Let us try to find out which part is a myth and which part is true.
30 Oct 2011 11:34:00

Alexander Nerozya and Ilya Mihaylov make the dream of many “Street Fighter” fans come true and bring the characters of the classic video game into reality. Specifically for this purpose they found a few body-builders to express the epic struggle between Ken and Ryu and other famous characters including beautiful Chun Li. While Nerozya took care of the raw image Mihaylov used his post-production skills to portray finishing touches.
05 May 2012 08:33:00
Camp You Are You

"Camp You Are You (whose name has been changed to protect the privacy of the participants) offers a temporary safe haven where gender-variant boys can freely express their interpretations of femininity alongside their parents and siblings. These images represent the spirit of the children as they shine in an atmoshpere of support. Here they can be true to their inner nature without feeling the need to look over their shoulders." Lindsay Morris
22 Aug 2013 11:24:00
Christophe Huet – The Master of Retouching. Part1

French retoucher Christophe Huet is a true photoshop Master! His work is fascinating. He is the one who creates the famous advertising for Playstation, but also some for Nike, Motorola, Surfrider Foundation…. I spend an hour on his site looking all of his work, and the Best of all is that he has few working progress slideshows where you can see the process of each image, Like the one above… Its really interesting and inspiring.
21 May 2013 12:29:00