An installation with a copy of a tank is seen at a villager's house in the village of Vits, Belarus November 8, 2016. (Photo by Vasily Fedosenko/Reuters)

Belarus, officially the Republic of Belarus, formerly and sometimes known as Byelorussia, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe

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23 Dec 2016 10:59:00
Natural gas plant in Pittsburg, CA (detail of Power Landscape), 2013. (Photo by Jenny Odell)

Jenny Odell repurposes online imagery mostly from Google Maps, but also from YouTube, Craigslist, and other sites. In her “Satellite Collections”, for example, she incorporated aerial views of swimming pools, basketball courts, parking lots, and other recognizable structures, seen from space. Her more recent series, “Satellite Landscapes”, includes painstakingly isolated Google Maps imagery of oil refineries, wastewater treatment plants, solar farms, etc. This work is meant as a reminder of our physically determined and vulnerable existence, since we depend on many of these things for survival and maintenance of our way of life. Photo: Natural gas plant in Pittsburg, CA (detail of Power Landscape), 2013. (Photo by Jenny Odell)
19 Mar 2014 07:28:00
Eduard Khil

“Russian singer Eduard Khil has died at the age of 77, following a stroke. Khil is apparently well known in Russia, though attained belated fame outside of Russia when a musical number he performed on Soviet television in the 1970s, in which he sung nonsense lyrics in a rich baritone over luxuriantly loungy background music, but above all with an infectious sense of good cheer, ended up on YouTube and became a meme”. ... (Listen to songs of Eduard Khil)
05 Jun 2012 10:25:00
Meet Lil Bub

Lil Bub is a female “perma-kitten” house cat born with several genetic mutations causing dwarfism, polydactylism and disformed lower jaw. Bub rose to fame online after her owner Mike Bridavsky began uploading videos of her to YouTube in November 2011.

See also: Foo-Chan
See also: Grumpy Cat
04 Sep 2013 09:25:00
Thunderstorms light up the insides of clouds. (Photo by Christiaan van Heijst/Daan Krans/Caters News Agency)

An incredible view of Thunderstorms light up the insides of clouds near a beautiful sky line. This is truly heavenly weather as pictures taken from an airplane cockpit reveal what pilots see from above.

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15 Dec 2016 20:34:00

It looks like 2024 has ended and we are still alive (although of course it's not evening yet). Well, let's wish ourselves the same in the future. If someone wants to put USDT TRC20 under the tree: TDWPvSi7RY4wNZPukDRyKghhLGTGsRNRBe (nobody will put anything, of course – but you understand, it's a ritual). Happy New Year! And now disco.
31 Dec 2024 04:28:00
Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroo

For some reason, everything that comes from Australia is either very cute or very poisonous; sometimes cute and poisonous at the same time. For example, Slow Loris, which you probably have seen eating a ball of rice on YouTube, is actually a very poisonous creature, despite its extreme cuteness. Goodfellow’s tree-kangaroos, on the other hand, are all cuteness and no poison. Just look at its cute little snout and furry paws, as it gingerly scratches its stomach, while sitting on its hind legs! If you don’t find this creature adorable, nothing will be able to thaw your stone-cold heart.
30 Nov 2014 13:38:00
Swimming Pig Off The Island Of Big Major Cay

A swimming pig off the island of Big Major Cay, in the central Bahamas. These amazing pigs swim every day in the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas. They show off their piggy-paddle to visitors who flock to their beach to see the extraordinary site of wild pigs making a splash in the beautiful turquoise sea.

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28 Dec 2016 23:17:00