
Members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment place American flags at the graves of U.S. soldiers buried at Arlington National Cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day May 26, 2011 in Arlington, Virginia. “Flags-In” has become an annual event since the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) was appointed an Army official ceremonial unit in 1948. Every available soldier in the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment participates in these annual ceremonies. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
27 May 2011 11:03:00
Auction Takes Place To Decide The Most Expensive Beef In Hyogo

A cow rests in a pen during the 93rd Hyogo Prefecture Livestock Industry Promoting Event on October 23, 2011 in Kobe, Japan. Hyogo is the center of producing fine beef such as Kobe beef and Tajima beef, and the highest hammer price of the auction was 5,001,000 Japanese yen (65,578.28 U.S. Dollars). Livestock Industry Promoting Event organizing official said, Fukushima nuclear accident and economy crises affected become les the price of Kobe and Tajima beef in this year. (Photo by Buddhika Weerasinghe/Getty Images)
27 Oct 2011 12:01:00
A gallery assistant holds a print of an Andy Warhol artwork estimated to fetch 1,500 GBP in Bonhams auction house

A gallery assistant holds a print of an Andy Warhol artwork estimated to fetch 1,500 GBP in Bonhams auction house on November 25, 2011 in London, England. The auction of prints of works ranging from old masters to contemporary artists takes place in London on November 29, 2011. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
26 Nov 2011 12:28:00
“Winter shapes, Moscow river”. Moscow river at this part is never covered by ice. When the temperature is very low it's possible to see a strong fog. Morning light and pipes of the oli factory creates a fantastic landscape. Photo location: Moscow, Russia. (Photo and caption by Sergey Rumyantsev/National Geographic Photo Contest)

“Winter shapes, Moscow river”. Moscow river at this part is never covered by ice. When the temperature is very low it's possible to see a strong fog. Morning light and pipes of the oli factory creates a fantastic landscape. Photo location: Moscow, Russia. (Photo and caption by Sergey Rumyantsev/National Geographic Photo Contest)
11 Dec 2013 08:33:00
“Artist of the light”. While shooting sunrise in the Vermilion lakes area of Banff national park, Canada, I met a fellow photographer on the scene. Most of the time, we tried not to get in each other's way, however, just by accident, I snapped a picture with him in it working on his tripod settings, and it turned out to be a great photo compared to my sunrise shots. (Photo and caption by Victor Liu/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

“Artist of the light”. While shooting sunrise in the Vermilion lakes area of Banff national park, Canada, I met a fellow photographer on the scene. Most of the time, we tried not to get in each other's way, however, just by accident, I snapped a picture with him in it working on his tripod settings, and it turned out to be a great photo compared to my sunrise shots. (Photo and caption by Victor Liu/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

ATTENTION! All pictures are presented in high resolution. To see Hi-Res images – just TWICE click on any picture. In other words, click small picture – opens the BIG picture. Click BIG picture – opens VERY BIG picture.
27 Jun 2013 13:11:00
“Light From Heaven”. Taken around Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia in the morning. Photo location: East Java, Indonesia. (Photo and caption by Pimpin Nagawan/National Geographic Photo Contest)

“Light From Heaven”. Taken around Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia in the morning. Photo location: East Java, Indonesia. (Photo and caption by Pimpin Nagawan/National Geographic Photo Contest)

ATTENTION! All pictures are presented in high resolution. To see Hi-Res images – just TWICE click on any picture. In other words, click small picture – opens the BIG picture. Click BIG picture – opens VERY BIG picture.
29 Nov 2013 12:36:00
“Sokolica”. Sokolica, Poland. (Photo and caption by Marcin Kęsek/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

“Sokolica”. Sokolica, Poland. (Photo and caption by Marcin Kęsek/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

ATTENTION! All pictures are presented in high resolution. To see Hi-Res images – just TWICE click on any picture. In other words, click small picture – opens the BIG picture. Click BIG picture – opens VERY BIG picture.
25 Jun 2013 09:13:00
“A snapshot from mountaineer's life”. Have you ever wondered how does a mountaineer's day start? (Photo and caption by Kamil Tamiola/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

“A snapshot from mountaineer's life”. Have you ever wondered how does a mountaineer's day start? I will give you a hint: you wake up at 3 am, set the stove, wake up your partner, pretend it is warm, quickly consume a high-calorie breakfast, watch your friends slowly ascending the icy slopes of your dream summit with their tiny head torches glimmering against perfectly blue ice, and hope for the good weather. One would ask: why all this trouble? The answer is easy: for the love of the adventure and the unknown. Location: Chamonix, Haute Savoye, France. (Photo and caption by Kamil Tamiola/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

ATTENTION! All pictures are presented in high resolution. To see Hi-Res images – just TWICE click on any picture. In other words, click small picture – opens the BIG picture. Click BIG picture – opens VERY BIG picture.
27 Jun 2013 12:47:00