Moscow october by «Aquarium»

“Aquarium or Akvarium (Russian: Аквариум) is a Russian rock group, formed in Leningrad in 1972 by Boris Grebenshchikov (Борис Гребенщиков), then a student of Applied Mathematics at Leningrad State University, and Anatoly (George) Gunitsky, then a playwright and absurdist poet”. – Wikipedia
16 Jun 2012 14:02:00
First prize. Taken over Bali Barat National Park, Denpasar, Bali. Made with a GoPro Hero 2 camera. (Photo by Capungaero)

First prize. Taken over Bali Barat National Park, Denpasar, Bali. Made with a GoPro Hero 2 camera. (Photo by Capungaero)
18 Jul 2014 11:47:00
Two brides kiss during their wedding ceremony to each other at the wedding registry office in St. Petersburg November 7, 2014. The two St. Petersburg women married in the official city ceremony last week, seemingly circumventing Russia's ban on same-s*x marriages. Petersburg lawmaker has vowed to nullify their wedding. (Photo by Reuters/Stringer)

Two brides kiss during their wedding ceremony to each other at the wedding registry office in St. Petersburg November 7, 2014. The two St. Petersburg women married in the official city ceremony last week, seemingly circumventing Russia's ban on same-s*x marriages. One of the brides was born a man but is undergoing hormone therapy and considers herself a woman. Though her male passport identity ensured the marriage was legal by Russian law, a St. Petersburg lawmaker has vowed to nullify their wedding. (Photo by Reuters/Stringer)
12 Nov 2014 14:22:00
Micro or Macro? It's micro: this is an electron microscope image of the wing of a Green Darner dragonfly. (Photo by P. Kelly)

Macro or Micro? Scientists’ pictures baffle our sense of scale. It began when Stephen Young, a geography professor at Salem State University in Massachusetts, tricked his biologist colleague Paul Kelly into thinking a satellite image was one of his electron microscope scans. Can you guess whether they are close-up or very far away? (Photo by Paul Kelly)
21 Apr 2014 10:24:00
Picture by Guzelian GUZELIAN: SAY BANANAS! COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY A MONKEY GO UNDER THE HAMMER. A collection of one-of-a-kind photographs is set to go under the hammer - so unique because the set was taken by a CHIMPANZEE. The pictures, which will be sold at Sotheby's Auction House, London, on June 5, are expected to fetch between £50,000 - £70,000.

“As is probably stated somewhere in the theory of infinity, if you give an infinite amount of monkeys an infinite number of old-timey Polaroid cameras, one will eventually take “artistic” blurry photos of historical sites in Moscow which will then be auctioned at Sotheby's for an estimated $75,000 – $100,000. Fortunately for every simian art fan with a spare $100k, we are currently living in the very universe in which that concept is reality. Eighteen photographs by – and of – Mikki The Chimpanzee are going to auction on June 5, 2013”. – Callie Beusman via (Photo by Guzelian)
21 May 2013 09:31:00
Ocean voyage

Do you think that history is a science? Well, not exactly. First, and foremost, history is the state's “legend of wars”, it’s official regalia. Of course, public historians are not interested in scientific truth – quite the opposite. In this respect, any attempt to present a state’s history as altruistic and benevolent as possible is welcomed and encouraged – as opposed to any revisionism attempts that may be more accurate. In this matter, Chinese have surpassed us all – they revised in highly creative manner (but rather shamelessly) the technology already invented by Europeans, a process that resulted in oldest state on the planet. Here is an interesting paradox: ask any sinologist about the Middle Kingdom during second century B.C., and he will describe it to you in such a vivid manner as if he has been living there all his life – but as soon as you will ask him to describe Chinese history in the 19-20th centuries… let's say, his eagerness will be greatly diminished. However, we will discuss China in a different article, and in the meantime we will try to understand how exactly historic “legend of wars” is formed and functions – based on a specific and well-known example. A great example is Ferdinand Magellan's first voyage around the world.
14 Nov 2011 09:11:00
Tennis star Anna Kournikova of Russia recreates a legendary Marilyn Monroe pose

Tennis star Anna Kournikova of Russia recreates a legendary Marilyn Monroe pose during the filming of the adidas climacool commercial on location in Los Angeles. (Photo by CLIVE BRUNSKILL/Getty Images). 11 Mar. 2002
24 Dec 2011 13:41:00
The shuttle never got its final coat of paint and was left unfinished. (Photo by Ralph Mirebs/Exclusivepix Media)

Ralph Mirebs, an urban explorer and photographer in Russia, has revealed extraordinary photos of Soviet space shuttle prototypes gathering dust in an abandoned hangar. The abandoned hangar is located at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, which is still in operation today (with the close of NASA’s shuttle program, Russian Soyuz shuttles are the only way for astronauts to reach the International Space Station). The Buran prototype shuttles found by Mirebs, however, are from an earlier era – they are the last remnants of a space program that began in 1974 and was finally shuttered in 1993. (Photo by Ralph Mirebs/Exclusivepix Media)
12 Mar 2017 00:05:00