The Sifaka jumps along the road. (Photo by Shannon Wild/Caters News Agency)

The Verreauxs Sifaka, otherwise known as Dancing Sifaka, who was caught strutting its stuff in Madagascar, has definitely learnt a lesson or two from King Julian – from the 2005 film “Madagascar”. Raising both of its arms and lunging from side to side, this lemur definitely likes to move it, move it. (Photo by Shannon Wild/Caters News Agency)
24 Jan 2018 06:17:00
Lenticular clouds hover of the mountains of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

“These eerie formations in the sky may look like alien ships. But as the Daily Mail points out, they’re actually a natural occurrence called lenticular clouds”. – Claudine Zap. Photo: Lenticular clouds hover of the mountains of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. (Photos by Denis Budkov/Caters News)
11 Jun 2013 09:26:00
A photographer has captured these amazing rainbow-like images of stars high above the skies of Colorado. Stargazer Matt Payne, from Oregon, loves the evening skies so much, he has devoted hours to shooting the marvels of the Milky Way. The 35-year-old has to meticulously plan his work, taking into account weather, terrain, season and even the cycle of the moon to get the perfect snap. (Photo by Matt Payne/Caters News)

A photographer has captured these amazing rainbow-like images of stars high above the skies of Colorado. Stargazer Matt Payne, from Oregon, loves the evening skies so much, he has devoted hours to shooting the marvels of the Milky Way. The 35-year-old has to meticulously plan his work, taking into account weather, terrain, season and even the cycle of the moon to get the perfect snap. (Photo by Matt Payne/Caters News)
02 Sep 2014 12:35:00
Amina and Zazou the dog. (Photo by Ines Opifanti/Caters News)

Barking mad owners have proved they really do look like their pets – by performing impressions of their own dogs. In a series of hilarious “paw”-traits, owners pull their best faces to look like their pooches. Snapped by photographer Ines Opifanti, people stuck their tongues out, yawned and tilted their heads in curiosity at the camera. Opifanti, from Hamburg, Germany, came up with the idea while interacting with her own dogs, two pug/French bulldog crossbreeds. Here: Amina and Zazou the dog. (Photo by Ines Opifanti/Caters News)
02 Sep 2015 12:21:00
A Home Like A Cowboy Boo

This uniquely shaped house located in Huntsville, TX, is currently available for rent and it just might be the home of any cowboy or cowgirl’s dreams.
05 Jun 2017 09:50:00
A Cat Didn't Like It

See What Happens when This Cat Enjoys a Less Than Tasty Meal
01 Oct 2013 11:11:00
A visitor looks at a sculpture entitled “Couple Under an Umbrella, 2013” by artist Ron Mueck during the press day for his exhibition at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris April 15, 2013. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)

A visitor looks at a sculpture entitled “Couple Under an Umbrella, 2013” by artist Ron Mueck during the press day for his exhibition at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris April 15, 2013. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
16 Apr 2013 12:33:00
More than 6 billion people live in countries where serious levels of public sector corruption are fueling inequality and exploitation, according to Transparency International's 2015 index of perceived public sector corruption. The group's annual report measures perceptions of corruption due to the secrecy surrounding most corrupt dealings. Two thirds of the 168 countries assessed were identified as having a serious corruption problem. Somalia, which has been mired in conflict since civil war broke out in 1991, ranks bottom of the list. (Photo by Feisal Omar/Reuters)

More than 6 billion people live in countries where serious levels of public sector corruption are fueling inequality and exploitation, according to Transparency International's 2015 index of perceived public sector corruption. The group's annual report measures perceptions of corruption due to the secrecy surrounding most corrupt dealings. Two thirds of the 168 countries assessed were identified as having a serious corruption problem. Somalia, which has been mired in conflict since civil war broke out in 1991, ranks bottom of the list. (Photo by Feisal Omar/Reuters)
13 May 2016 12:10:00