1948年3月,外滩,便衣警察棒打偷拿棉花的老太。 (In March 1948, the Bund, plainclothes police officers wreck stole cotton Granny)

Photos from 虹桥故事's photostream. Attention! From Chinese to English translated by Google!

Photo: 1948年3月,外滩,便衣警察棒打偷拿棉花的老太。 (In March 1948, the Bund, plainclothes police officers wreck stole cotton Granny)
12 Aug 2012 08:41:00
Writing Letter

“Kusakabe Kimbei (1841 – 1934) was a Japanese photographer. He usually went by his given name, Kimbei, because his clientele, mostly non-Japanese-speaking foreign residents and visitors, found it easier to pronounce than his family name. Kusakabe Kimbei worked with Felice Beato and Baron Raimund von Stillfried as a photographic colourist and assistant before opening his own workshop in Yokohama in 1881 in the Benten-dōri quarter, and from 1889 operating in the Honmachi quarter. He also opened a branch in the Ginza quarter of Tokyo”. – Wikipedia

Photo: Writing Letter. (Photo by Kusakabe Kimbei)
21 Apr 2012 13:28:00