An Indian farmer from Tamil Nadu state wearing a necklace of human skulls representing suicides by agricultural workers takes part in a protest with other farmers in New Delhi on March 15, 2017. Tamil Nadu state farmers protested to demand a profitable price for their agricultral products, and called for the formation of management committee for solving Cauvery river water disputes. More than 200 farmers have committed suicide in Tamil Nadu in recent months following crop failure due to poor rainfall and inadequate water for irrigation. (Photo by Prakash Singh/AFP Photo)

An Indian farmer from Tamil Nadu state wearing a necklace of human skulls representing suicides by agricultural workers takes part in a protest with other farmers in New Delhi on March 15, 2017. Tamil Nadu state farmers protested to demand a profitable price for their agricultral products, and called for the formation of management committee for solving Cauvery river water disputes. More than 200 farmers have committed suicide in Tamil Nadu in recent months following crop failure due to poor rainfall and inadequate water for irrigation. (Photo by Prakash Singh/AFP Photo)
17 Mar 2017 00:02:00
13 May 2012 21:37:00
03 Sep 2012 08:36:00
Military officers look at an AR-10 sniper rifle at LAAD, the biggest military industry expo in Latin America in Sao Paulo, Brazil April 10, 2018. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

Military officers look at an AR-10 sniper rifle at LAAD, the biggest military industry expo in Latin America in Sao Paulo, Brazil April 10, 2018. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)
13 Apr 2018 07:58:00
Ducks in the river Baral in Bangladesh. (Photo by Rafeur Rahman/Caters News Agency)

These photographs of hundreds of ducks following their leader down a river are truly mesmerizing. Rafeur Rahman of Bangladesh climbed a high bridge and saw hundreds of ducks apparently playing a game of follow the leader. More than 500 ducks live on the river, where the mosses and snails provide the perfect habitat. Here: Ducks in the river Baral in Bangladesh. (Photo by Rafeur Rahman/Caters News Agency)
08 May 2018 00:05:00
A Tamil devotee prays during the Thai Pongal harvest festival at a temple in Colombo January 15, 2016.The Tamil festival of Thai Pongal is a thanksgiving ceremony in which the farmers thank the spirits of nature, the sun and the farm animals for their assistance in providing a successful harvest. (Photo by Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters)

A Tamil devotee prays during the Thai Pongal harvest festival at a temple in Colombo January 15, 2016.The Tamil festival of Thai Pongal is a thanksgiving ceremony in which the farmers thank the spirits of nature, the sun and the farm animals for their assistance in providing a successful harvest. (Photo by Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters)
17 Jan 2016 08:06:00
A woman walks past a mural on a wall along a street in Singapore on February 17, 2021. (Photo by Roslan Rahman/AFP Photo)

A woman walks past a mural on a wall along a street in Singapore on February 17, 2021. (Photo by Roslan Rahman/AFP Photo)
26 Mar 2021 09:13:00
Rev. Yeon Ah Lee Moon of the Sanctuary Church holds a gold AR-15 during a ceremony to rededicate marriages at the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, USA, 28 February 2018. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Rev. Yeon Ah Lee Moon of the Sanctuary Church holds a gold AR-15 during a ceremony to rededicate marriages at the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, USA, 28 February 2018. The church, a breakaway from the Unification Church, believes guns are a symbol of the “rod of iron” referenced in the Book of Revelations. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)
01 Mar 2018 07:35:00