Stella the mother and her cub Zean rest together at The Milwaukee County Zoo  Zean and B'alam  are the two newest jaguar cubs with the mother Stella who are now on public exhibit, at four months old. B' alam (who has larger and darker spots as well as a square space on her forehead showing no spots) name means "Great and powerful king in Mayan.   Zean encompasses the Belize people living and working in Belize, with all cultures. She has smaller, almost greyish spots on her coat.  The names were revealaed at the Milwaukee County Zoo, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Journal Sentinel photo by Rick Wood/RWOOD@JOURNALSENTINEL.COM

The first jaguar litter since 1975 was born at the Milwaukee County Zoo to Stella and Pat on November 13, 2013. The litter was on public display for the first time on March 13 when the jaguar baby's names were released. Belize schoolchildren named one Zean, which is the end of Belizean, and a public contest named the other B'alam, which means "great and powerful king" in Mayan. Photo: Stella the mother and her cub Zean rest together at The Milwaukee County Zoo. (Photo by Rick Wood)
15 Mar 2013 07:51:00
Micro-Puppy Named Miracle

A baby Jack Russell and Chihuahua mix has defied the odds by surviving despite its tiny size and being abandoned by its mother. The owners of named the puppy “Miracle” and have taken over the feeding and care of the baby after its four siblings passed away shortly after being born. Owner Kayley-May Coles, age 10, said, “Everyone thinks she is absolutely beautiful. My friends absolutely love her. My teacher thought she might be the smallest dog ever to be born. She is just perfect”.
20 Mar 2015 10:53:00
Bear Vs Tiger

It's not often that two ferocious tigers have to beat a hasty retreat from a confrontation. But it seems that the wrath of a mother bear protecting two cubs on her back was more than enough to scare this pair off. Wildlife photographer Aditya Singh captured the encounter during a visit to Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan, India.
24 Jan 2014 09:11:00
Buffalo VS Lions

A buffalo was on the verge of becoming dinner for a pride of lions… before his best friend stepped in. Usually, this kind of scene in South Africa ends with a tasty buffalo steak for the lions, but not this time. Just when an attacking lion thought he had the upper-hand, he got a bit of a (hilarious) surprise.
13 Jan 2014 10:35:00
Ariel VS Manneken Pis

Very funny animated picture.
11 Apr 2013 11:48:00
Alligator trapper Mark Whitmire prepares an alligator he caught in a lagoon on a golf course to relocate it to a more natural environment in Orlando, Florida, U.S., June 19, 2016. (Photo by Carlo Allegri/Reuters)

Alligator trapper Mark Whitmire prepares an alligator he caught in a lagoon on a golf course to relocate it to a more natural environment in Orlando, Florida, U.S., June 19, 2016. (Photo by Carlo Allegri/Reuters)
24 Jun 2016 13:55:00
Cute kitten named Daisy

Daisy lives in Japan and she's probably the cutest kitten in the world. Here's some pictures of her, photographed by her owner Ben Terode.
16 Oct 2012 11:55:00
A Street Cat Named Bob

James, a once homeless recovering heroin addict, met Bob the ginger cat during a very dark period, and credits the feline with giving him a purpose in life.
It has been Bob, who over the past five years, has helped give James the strength to stay off drugs, driven him to earn money and get his life back on track.
20 Dec 2012 14:41:00