Fantasy Book By Aniko Kolesnikova

Latvian designer and artist Aniko Kolesnikova, working under the name Mandarin Duck, creates fantastic hand made book covers using polymer clay.
30 May 2015 11:54:00
Wooden Book By Nino Orlandi

This series of work is a collection of wooden books in which all kinds of details emerge from the raw material. Hands reach out, trying to escape the confines of the pages, faces seem to appear out of nowhere, and unknown characters are set behind wooden bars, trapped within the various pieces with titles like The Book of Life, The Magic Mountain, and The Book of Dreams. Orlandi has a vivid imagination and his fine works bring the characters of these storybooks to life in front of our eyes.
13 Mar 2013 10:06:00
The Power Of Books By Mladen Penev

This pretty cool series of images by Mladen Penev, a talented graphic designer from Bulgaria.
06 Apr 2013 07:52:00
Babies Recreate Famous Books

Harry Potter, Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan and many more children's classics are recreated by these book based babies. The gorgeous photos come via Venture Photography for National Storytelling Week.
10 Feb 2014 11:13:00
Cut Books By Yusuke Oono

Japanese artist and architect Yusuke Oono brings fairy-tale books to a new level with his striking series of 360°-cut books..
27 Sep 2015 12:26:00
Book Sculpture by Justin Rowe

Justin Rowe creates these magical sculptures from hand cut books and found images with the help of just a touch of gum arabic and 24 carat gold or palladium leaf. Some are very much in the realms of fairy stories like the one above, but my favourites are the stories below where Justin’s skill brings the book’s own illustrations to life.
18 Nov 2013 12:58:00
Grows Crystals On Books By Alexis Arnold

People will spout about impermanence of digital records, but books are really fragile, too. Alexis Arnold from San Francisco wanted to illustrate that with her project The Crystallized Book: collecting books and growing Borax crystals on them. Books range from literature classics to magazines, and there’s even a mysterious and arcane tome called “Linux: The Complete Manual”.
12 Jun 2015 10:55:00
Georgia Russell

Georgia Russell is a Scottish artist who slashes, cuts and dissects printed matter, transforming books, music scores, maps, newspapers and photographs into patterned abstractions that leave a resemblance of the original but transport it to another time and place where everything is fragmented, and always in flux.
05 Jun 2012 12:53:00