First time gun owner, Jessie Palmieri holds a target she shot with a H&K VP9 9mm gun at the Ringmasters of Utah gun range, in Springville, Utah on December 18, 2015. (Photo by George Frey/Reuters)
A machine assembles powder, cartridges and bullets tips together to make 300 AAC Blackouts at Barnes Bullets in Mona, Utah, January 6, 2015. (Photo by George Frey/Reuters)
Sam Warren climbs in to a prototype combat vehicle during the PrepperCon expo Friday, April 24, 2015, in Sandy, Utah. Hundreds of survivalists and “preppers” are gathering in the Salt Lake City suburb of Sandy for the first annual PrepperCon, featuring demonstrations of underground bunkers, food storage, and armored vehicles. (Photo by Rick Bowmer/AP Photo)
The second and final qualification motor (QM-2) test for the Space Launch System's booster, June 28, 2016, at Orbital ATK Propulsion Systems test facilities in Promontory, Utah. During the Space Launch System flight the boosters will provide more than 75 percent of the thrust needed to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth, the first step on NASA's Journey to Mars. (Photo by Bill Ingalls/NASA)
A Utah Valley University student walks down the bright green lanes painted on the stairs from the gym Thursday, June 18, 2015, at Utah Valley University, in Orem, Utah. Utah Valley University spokeswoman Melinda Colton said the green lanes were intended as a lighthearted way to brighten up the space and get students attention. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)
In this Monday, September 22, 2014 photo provided by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, a young cougar is released back into Utah's mountains by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources in an undisclosed site in central Utah. State wildlife officials received reports of the cougar roaming Sunday afternoon in a residential area of the city's eastern flank, a few miles from the base of the Wasatch Mountains. Authorities say cougars generally avoid humans but sometimes enter neighborhoods close to their mountain habitats. (Photo by Steve Gray/AP Photo/Utah Division of Wildlife Resources)