Two holidaymakers amuse themselves with a porter's trolley whilst waiting for their train at Euston Station, London, 5th August 1939. (Photo by A. J. O'Brien/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Yoga Dogs is the first fully illustrated guide to yoga created by dogs for dogs (with the assistance of a few humans purely for technical purposes). Any canine can and should practice yoga. From show dogs and working dogs to mixed breeds and even basic squirrel chasers, we all can enjoy its benefits.
Some women doing yoga pose on the hammocks during the Anti-Gravity yoga class at Svarga e-Motion Sanctuary at Dharmawangsa Square, Jakarta, Saturday, April 18, 2015. Anti-Gravity Yoga or “aerial yoga”, is a new type of yoga, originating in New York but now being practised in several countries, which combines the traditional yoga poses, pilates and dance with the use of a hammock. (Photo by Jurnasyanto Sukarno/JG Photo)
This photo series shows curvy canines and flexible felines participating in a spot of yoga. The shots feature the animals in the likes of the lotus position, balancing on two legs, and stretching in ways that would make the greatest of yoga masters proud. Photographer Dan Borris came up with the idea for the series in 2000, when he was asked by a friend to photograph her in a yoga pose while her dog bothered her. Pictured: Wally. (Photo by Dan Borris/Caters News)
Goats climb on students during a yoga class with eight students and five goats at Jenness Farm in Nottingham, New Hampshire, U.S. on May 18, 2017. Tucked away in a wooded corner of southern New Hampshire, Jenness Farm is the latest small U.S. agricultural operation to cash in on the social media-driven trend, in which yoga enthusiasts practice moves like the cat pose and bridge pose while goats climb around and sometimes on them. (Photo by Brian Snyder/Reuters)