Morpheus Ground Level Hot Fire. Photo Date: April 2nd 2012. Location: VTB Flight Complex; Photographer: Joe Bibby

“A prototype lunar lander was destroyed on August 9, 2012, at Kennedy Space Center during its first free flight”. – James Dean via Florida Today

Photo: Morpheus Ground Level Hot Fire. Photo Date: April 2nd 2012. Location: VTB Flight Complex; Photographer: Joe Bibby
10 Aug 2012 10:46:00

Axel, a research prototype rover for exploring the Moon, Mars and other planets, is remotely driven over rocks as engineers from Jet Propulsion (JPL) and grad students from Caltech (California Institute of Technology) demonstrate its mobile over the steep and rocky grounds of the JPL Mars Yard on January 14, 2009 in Pasadena, California. The rover is capable of descending cliffs or into craters and returning by a cable tethered to its starting point. Development of the Axel rover is a point effort funded by NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) and lead by Principal Investigator Issa Newnas and Co-Investigator and Caltech professor of mechanical engineering bio engineering Joel Burdick. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
05 Apr 2011 07:47:00