A humanoid robot named “Robi” sits during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. Created by roboticist Tomotaka Takahashi, the 34-centimeter tall humanoid robot can recognize and respond to more than 200 words and phrases, walk and dance. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)

A humanoid robot named “Robi” sits during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. Created by roboticist Tomotaka Takahashi, the 34-centimeter tall humanoid robot can recognize and respond to more than 200 words and phrases, walk and dance. Parts of the robot will be put on sale in a weekly magazine to be fully assembled with 70 issues. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)
21 Jan 2015 13:19:00
A man gestures to a robot at a restaurant in Hefei, Anhui province, December 26, 2014. (Photo by Reuters/Stringer)

A man gestures to a robot at a restaurant in Hefei, Anhui province, December 26, 2014. The restaurant, with a space of 1300 square metres and a total of 30 robots to cook meals, deliver dishes and welcome costumers, was reported to be the biggest robot restaurant in China. (Photo by Reuters/Stringer)
28 Dec 2014 12:11:00
A creature bathes at the Robolights art installation by Kenny Irwin Jr. in Palm Springs, California December 15, 2014. (Photo by David McNew/Reuters)

A creature bathes at the Robolights art installation by Kenny Irwin Jr. in Palm Springs, California December 15, 2014. The installation consists of hundreds of whimsical robot and other themed sculptures created from recycled materials including golf carts, kitchen appliances and microwaved smart phones, and is open to the public each holiday season on the sprawling Irwin family property. (Photo by David McNew/Reuters)
18 Dec 2014 14:57:00
A dinosaur robot produced by Tyco Electronics Japan G.K. is controlled by a smartphone at CEATEC (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) Japan 2014 held at at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, east of Tokyo, Japan, 07 October 2014. The CEATEC opened on 07 October for a five-day exhibition. (Photo by Kimimasa Mayama/EPA)

A dinosaur robot produced by Tyco Electronics Japan G.K. is controlled by a smartphone at CEATEC (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) Japan 2014 held at at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, east of Tokyo, Japan, 07 October 2014.With a Sharp Aquos ZETA mobile phone model, users can make the 6.5-meter (21 feet, 4 inches) long, 2.1-meter (6 feet, 11 inches) tall dinosaur robot to walk forward and backward, jump, move its head, hands and legs up and down, left and right, open and close its mouth by touching the screen panel and make it bark by shaking the handheld. (Photo by Kimimasa Mayama/EPA)
08 Oct 2014 11:54:00
Idiots - iPhone Parody

Barcelona-based visual effects/3D animation company Big Lazy Robot brings us a beautiful animated video that uses an alternate robotic world to satirize our dependence on technology.

11 Sep 2014 13:19:00
This photo taken on August 13, 2014, shows a robot carrying food to customers in a restaurant in Kunshan. It's more teatime than Terminator – a restaurant in China is electrifying customers by using more than a dozen robots to cook and deliver food. (Photo by Johannes Eisele/AFP Photo)

Located in Kunshan, eastern China, the restaurant relies on over a dozen machines for tasks such as greeting customers, waiting on tables and cooking basic meals. The eatery becomes the third café in the world to rely on the use of robot employees, potentially giving a glimpse into how future businesses could operate. Photo: This photo taken on August 13, 2014, shows a robot carrying food to customers in a restaurant in Kunshan. It's more teatime than Terminator – a restaurant in China is electrifying customers by using more than a dozen robots to cook and deliver food. (Photo by Johannes Eisele/AFP Photo)
24 Aug 2014 09:40:00
A woman takes a picture of people posing in front of “Zinzow”, a “Transformers-inspired” sculpture constructed from scrap metal in Podgorica, July 22, 2014. Danilo Baletic, 22, makes sculptures of his childhood cartoon heroes, “Transformers”, from scrap metal. In the last two years he has made seven “Transformers” sculptures that are placed on the streets of Montenegro's capital Podgorica as part of an exhibition called “Transformers defending Podgorica”. (Photo by Stevo Vasiljevic/Reuters)

A woman takes a picture of people posing in front of “Zinzow”, a “Transformers-inspired” sculpture constructed from scrap metal in Podgorica, July 22, 2014. Danilo Baletic, 22, makes sculptures of his childhood cartoon heroes, “Transformers”, from scrap metal. In the last two years he has made seven “Transformers” sculptures that are placed on the streets of Montenegro's capital Podgorica as part of an exhibition called “Transformers defending Podgorica”. (Photo by Stevo Vasiljevic/Reuters)
25 Jul 2014 11:38:00
Dancers dressed as futuristic characters perform during a show at The Robot Restaurant on June 29, 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. The now famous Robot Restaurant opened two years ago in Kabukicho area of Shinjuku at an estimated cost of 10 million U.S. dollars. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Dancers dressed as futuristic characters perform during a show at The Robot Restaurant on June 29, 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. The now famous Robot Restaurant opened two years ago in Kabukicho area of Shinjuku at an estimated cost of 10 million U.S. dollars. Performances are held three times a day and cater mostly to foreign tourists. The cabaret style shows include bikini clad futuristic dancers, performers dressed as robots and a host of large scale robots and vehicles controlled with remotes by stage hands dressed as Ninjas. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
01 Jul 2014 13:16:00