Dr. Joseph Corbo, of Washington University School of Medicine, took this image of the retina of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta). It is enlarged 400 times. (Photo by Dr. Joseph Corbo)

First place winner in the competition, this image depicts a colonial plankton organism, Chaetoceros debilis (marine diatom), magnified 250x by Wim van Egmond, of the Micropolitan Museum, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Zuid Holland, Netherlands. (Photo by Wim van Egmond)

Taking 4th place, a 40x image of Paramecium sp. showing the nucleus, mouth and water expulsion vacuoles, by Rogelio Moreno Gill, from Panama City, Panama. (Photo by Rogelio Moreno Gill)

Dr. Kieran Boyle of the University of Glasgow, in Scotland took this image of a brain cell in the hippocampus, receiving excitatory contacts. It is enlarged 63 times. (Photo by Dr. Kieran Boyle)

3rd Place winner of the 2013 Small World Photomicrography Competition, a 20x close-up of a marine worm by Dr. Alvaro Esteves Migotto, of the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Centro de Biologia Marinha, Brazil. (Photo by Dr. Alvaro Esteves Migotto)

Dr. Jan Michels of the Institute of Zoology at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in Germany took this image of the adhesive pad on a foreleg of a ladybird beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) also known as a ladybug. It's enlarged 20 times. (Photo by Dr. Jan Michels)

Miss Dorit Hockman, of the University of Cambridge in the U.K., took this image of a veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) embryo that has been stained to highlight the cartilage (blue) and bone (red). The rest of the tissues have been made clear. (Photo by Dorit Hockman)

Mr. Mark A. Sanders of the University of Minnesota took this image of an insect wrapped in spider web, which is magnified 85 times. (Photo by Mark A. Sanders)

Ms. Magdalena Turzańska, of the University of Wrocław in Poland, snapped this image of a liverwort (not liverworst) plant of the species Barbilophozia and the cyanobacteria on it that fluoresce under UV light. It has been enlarged 50 times. (Photo by Magdalena Turzańska)

Honorable Mention: A 10x magnified image of a flat bark beetle, showing part of the head and prothorax with phoretic mites, by Nikola Rahme, from Budapest, Hungary. (Photo by Nikola Rahme)

Miss Vitoria Tobias Santos, of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, took this image of a ghost shrimp (Macrobrachium) eye, magnified 140 times. (Photo by Vitoria Tobias Santos)

Dr. Pedro Barrios-Perez, of the National Research Council of Canada, took this image of silicon dioxide on polydimethylglutarimide-based resistor, magnified 200 times. (Photo by Pedro Barrios-Perez)

Mr. Zhong Hua, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, took this image of the peripheral nerves (those outside of the brain) in an 11.5-day-old mouse embryo, magnified five times. (Photo by Zhong Hua)

Mr. Geir Drange, of Asker, Norway, took this image of a sheet weaver spider (Pityohyphantes phrygianus) with a parasitic wasp larva on its abdomen, magnified five times. (Photo by Geir Drange)

Dr. Michael Paul Nelson and Samantha Smith, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, took this image of a section of the vertebra of a mouse, magnified 200 times. (Photo by Michael Paul Nelson/Samantha Smith)

10th Place, a 10x image of a thin section of a dinosaur bone preserved in clear agate, by Ted Kinsman, of the Department of Imaging and Photo Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York. (Photo by Ted Kinsman)

Dr. Alexandre William Moreau, of the University College London in the U.K., took this image of a special type of brain cell called pyramidal neurons, in the visual cortex of a mouse brain, enlarged 40 times. (Photo by Alexandre William Moreau)

Mr. Christian Sardet, of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in France, took this image of Annelid larva, magnified 100 times. (Photo by Christian Sardet)

Honorable mention: Dr. Mariela Loschi, of Buenos Aires, Argentina, took this image of the microtubules and nucleus in a cultured cell, magnified 100 times. (Photo by Mariela Loschi)

Image Of Distinction: Mr. Raul M. Gonzalez, of the Raul Gonzalez Studio in Mexico, took this image of a Vitamin C crystal, magnified 100 times. (Photo by Raul M. Gonzalez)

Honorable Mention: Dr. Michael J. Boyle, of the Smithsonian Institution, took this image of a peanut worm larvae magnified 40 times. (Photo by Michael J. Boyle)

IOD: Dr. Biplab Dasgupta, Jane Anderson, Shabnam Pooya, Mariko DeWire, and Lili Miles, of Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center, took this image of brain-cancer stem cells from human brain-cancer tissue, magnified 200 times. (Photo by Biplab Dasgupta/Jane Anderson/Shabnam Pooya/Mariko DeWire/Lili Miles)

Dr. David Ward, of Oakdale, California, took this image of a thin section of nerve and muscle tissue (axons of motor neurons synapsing with skeletal muscle cells). It is enlarged 40 times. (Photo by David G. Ward)

IOD: Mr. Arturo Agostino, of Reggio Calabria, Italy, took this picture of a tiny diatom called Navicula variolata, magnified 400 times. (Photo by Arturo Agostino)

IOD: Dr. Guichuan Hou, of the Dewel Microscopy Facility in North Carolina, took this image of a cross section of lily of the valley (Convallaria) magnified 40 times. (Photo by Guichuan Hou)

IOD: Mr. Haris Antonopoulos, of Athens, Greece, took this trippy image of a soap bubble magnified 10 times. (Photo by Haris Antonopoulos)

IOD: Dr. Daniela Malide, of the National Institutes of Health, took this picture of mouse fatty tissue. The red blobs are fat cells, and the green are blood vessels, magnified 25 times. (Photo by Daniela Malide)

IOD: Dr. Jaime Gomez Gutierrez, of the Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas in Mexico, took this image of happy-looking fish eggs in a cluster. It's magnified 6.6 times. (Photo by Jaime Gomez Gutierrez)

IOD: Mr. Eckhard Voelcker, of the Berlin Microscopic Society in Germany, took this image of the cross section of bamboo stems – which look decidedly spooked. They are magnified 200 times. (Photo by Eckhard Voelcker)

IOD: Mr. Rogelio Moreno Gill, of Panama City, Panama, took this picture of the algae Micrasterias radiosa, magnified 40 times. (Photo by Rogelio Moreno Gill)

IOD: Mr. David Millard, of Austin, Texas, got this image of Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor) eggs on stem of host plant, Aristolochia fimbriata, magnified five times. (Photo by David Millard)

Honorable Mention: This 100X image of an adult mouse foot showing blood vessels, immune cells and soft tissues, by Dr. Andrew J. Woolley, Himanshi Desai and Kevin Otto, Purdue University, Indiana. (Photo by Dr. Andrew J. Woolley, Himanshi Desai and Kevin Otto)

Image of Distinction: An image of primary rat brain astrocytes cultured in a SynVivo BBB (blood-brain barrier) device, by Ashley M. Smith, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama. (Photo by Ashley M. Smith)

Image of Distinction: A 20X view of silicon nanocrystals in silicon dioxide, by Jan Valenta and Benjamin Bruhn, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Czech Republic. (Photo by Jan Valenta/Benjamin Bruhn)

Image of Distinction: A 40X view of abdominal segments of Diptera Blephariceridae larvae, by Fabrice Parais, of DREAL de Basse-Normandie, France. (Photo by Fabrice Parais)

Image of Distinction: A 60X view of a clam glochidia (larva), by Mark A. Sanders, of the University Imaging Centers, University of Minnesota. (Photo by Mark A. Sanders)

Honorable Mention: A 40x view of the crystallization of tartrazine (dye primarily used as a food coloring), by Frederic Labaune, Education Nationale, Auxonne, France. (Photo by Frederic Labaune)

In 20th place, an image of the explosive dynamics of sugar transport in fat cells, by Dr. James Burchfield of the Garvan Institute, Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Dr. James Burchfield)

Image of Distinction: A 50x image showing a cross-cut through an assembly of two dark-brown fiber-reinforced composite pieces, which are bonded together with gray adhesive and back-filled with a blue mass of composite material, by Peter Pook, Composites Atlantic Ltd., Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. (Photo by Peter Pook)

Image of Distinction: Magnified 100x, an image of pearceite, an uncommon silver mineral, in beautiful hexagonal crystals, from a copper mine in Spain, by Dr. Cesar Menor Salvan, Centro de Astrobiologia, Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial, Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Dr. Cesar Menor Salvan)

Image of Distinction: From Magdalena Turzanska, of the University of Wroclaw, Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland, a 50X image of Lepidozia reptans (a leafy liverwort, bryophyte plant) ventral side of pinnately branched stem. (Photo by Magdalena Turzanska)

Image of Distinction: A 100X view of Polypodium virginianum (fern) sorus, by Dr. Igor Siwanowicz, of Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia. (Photo by Dr. Igor Siwanowicz)
31 Oct 2013 09:39:00,
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