That's exactly what Vionnet's "Photo Opportunities" series does: takes hundreds of tourist photos of iconic landmarks, superimposes them into semi-transparency, and lets a dreamlike meta-image emerge.

In the age of Instagram, it's become a cliché to describe blurry or processed images as "impressionistic," but Vionnet's are literally that: they practically look like Monet paintings. Except rather than being products of one artist's gauzy worldview, they're like a sense-memory of many "artists'" worldviews... although none of the actual photographers would likely refer to themselves that way. (Vionnet culled the images with simple internet keyword searches.)

Churlish types will often ask, "Why take another photo of the Eiffel Tower, when millions already exist and yours will be no different?" For photographer Corinne Vionnet, that kind of thinking misses the point. Every one of those seemingly banal, for-all-practical-purposes identical photographs is actually nothing of the sort -- especially when you view them all at once, sandwiched on top of each other.

Corinne Vionnet
17 Aug 2014 08:30:00,
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