The Blind Owl With Stars Eyes

When you gaze into the eyes of this beautiful creature, you can almost make out constellations forming deep within. The name of this magnificent bird is Zeus, named after the Greek god of the sky for her one-of-a-kind eyes. The reason why she has such eyes is because she is blind. She was saved by a family in Southern California, when they found her injured on their front porch. After realizing that this poor creature is blind and unable to take care of itself, they took her to an animal hospital. After she healed up, everyone agreed that she should be sent to the Wildlife Learning Center. From that point on, Zeus has been happily living in the center. And though she cannot see, you can bet that her other senses are ten times as sharp. (Photo by Wildlife Learning Center)
24 Nov 2014 13:31:00
Russians Go To The Polls In Presidential Election And The Kremlin Prepares For Protests

(Excuse me for the clumsy electronic translator) Today in Moscow presidential elections are spent. Abundantly clear that without dependence from their results the winner will be declared Vladimir Putin. It can lead to the mass protest. Therefore the authorities have deduced on streets of thousand soldiers and policemen. For example, personally I (Avax) see from the window: four buses and two trucks with RIOT police. In photos more low – Moscow on March 04, 2012. A Garden Ring, The Tverskaya street, The Mayoralty, The State Duma, and The Bolshoi theater. (Photos by: Vladimir Maltsev; Source: LiveJournal; Rustem Adagamov; Source: LiveJournal).
04 Mar 2012 13:22:00
Overall Winner: The Brighton Palace Pier. “Standing in the full force of weather and time: the Brighton Palace Pier. My wife and I have been visiting Brighton for a few years now and I always strive to capture this lovely historic seaside town with a sense of the atmosphere and cinematic interpretation that it instills in me”. (Photo by Michael Marsh/Historic Photographer of the Year 2020)

The winners of the Historic Photographer of the Year Awards 2020 from triphistoric.com celebrate the places and cultural sites around the world that offer a window to the history that exists all around us. This year, restricted by Covid, photographers were called on to scour their photographic archive to share their imagery of those places that dominate our past. Here: The Brighton Palace Pier. (Photo by Michael Marsh/Historic Photographer of the Year 2020)
27 Nov 2020 00:03:00
Glass Art By Kiva Ford

Glass artist Kiva Ford draws from his vast experience in scientific glassblowing to create perfect miniatures of wine glasses, beakers, and ribbon-striped vases, some scarcely an inch tall. A member of the American Scientific Glassblowers Society, Kiva creates instruments for scientists who require one-of-a-kind designs for various experiments. The same techniques and tools used for scientific equipment also apply to his artistic practice including the miniature works you see here, as well as larger sculptures, and ornate drinkware.
21 Jul 2015 10:31:00
Comic Book Illustrations By Gaikuo-Captain Part 3

Gaikuo-Captain is a young Chinese student of chemical engineering, and a talented illustrator. His passion for the comic was demonstrated by a series of works that combine drawings with photographs, so that he himself is "immersed" in a fantasy to interact with characters from comic books and manga. His pieces are successful in social networks, particularly in Weibo, Chinese social network where Gaikuo publishes. You can see all his work on his zcool profile.
07 Aug 2014 16:46:00
Photo Project Of Eric Johansson

Erik Johansson is a Swedish photographer and professional retouch artist who likes to create breathtaking photo manipulations from his photographs by using his creative ideas. Photo manipulation or Photoshopping, as most of people know it, is the application of image editing techniques used by professionals as well as amateurs. Today, there are large numbers of numerous photo editing software available in the market. Erik Johansson graduated with a degree in computer engineering, but his passion is photography and he wonderfully mixed photography with creative Photoshopping. You can see in the images below that how beautifully he has created different moments from various fields of life. Erik Johansson lives and work in Berlin, Germany.
21 Feb 2013 10:40:00
The Story of Pin By Jun.C

Two Year ago, we featured some creative nail photography by Vlad Artazov, who used nails to create some lovely and moving scenarios. The story of Nail Art is still one of most popular post on our site. And today’s topic: The story of Pin is a kind of similar photography work by Jun.C, a professional portrait photographer. Not sure whether Jun’s work was inspired by Vlad Artazov, but that is definitely worth seeing still. Let us know which one you like better? Nail or Pin?
06 Aug 2013 09:35:00
Beautiful Blue World By Caras Ionu

By making use of digital colour grading and composites, Romanian photographer Caras Ionut created these dreamy blue-themed landscapes. The work is even more impressive when you consider that Caras, who has been a mariner for the last 24 years, only picked up an interest in photography a few years ago. For more of his work, including fashion composites and semi-surrealist scapes.

See also: Art By Caras Ionut
21 Sep 2013 10:09:00