«Brides Of March» flash mob

A man looks at members of the flash mob group calling themselves the «Brides of March» (“Grab a wedding dress and join the brides as we parade through the heart of San Francisco, strolling through Union Square, shopping at fancy stores and drinking at local bars!”) as they stand outside a bar March 18, 2006 in San Francisco. The flash mob group made their way through the streets stopping at bars, cafes, and several stores. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
17 Jan 2012 10:31:00

It has been a difficult year, but we are still alive, and that is certainly a great achievement.

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Happy New Year! And now disco.
31 Dec 2023 07:12:00
The Bund Sightseeing Tunnel In Shanghai

The Bund Sightseeing Tunnel is not an adventure for the light hearted. The trippy visuals and sound effects are rather bizarre and creepy. They look like something out of a nightmare or a psychedelic trip. Maybe the creators of this project did experiment with some illicit drugs to gain inspiration for this project. Moreover, it is more likely than not that some people tried going to this tourist attraction after “preparing” themselves beforehand. This trippy tunnel stretches from Pudong to Puxi in Shanghai, China, and is rated as one of the top five tourist attractions. We recommend visiting this place; just don’t take your kids along for the ride, since it might prove to be too scary for them.
06 Feb 2015 12:27:00
A Beautiful Scowling Curly-Haired Cat

Albert is not the happiest looking kitty in the world. Even Tard the Grumpy Cat looks more cheerful. Well… maybe not cheerful. But at least Tard doesn’t have a look of menace and a desire to kill in his eyes. What could have caused a kitty to wear such a stern look all the time? It might be the fact that he’s all curly. Almost no one likes to stand out too much, and maybe Albert is no exception. Despite his menacing appearance, Albert’s owner claims that he’s a very polite cat and plays nicely with children. Though it is hard to believe at first glance, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, even when we’re looking at a cat.

24 Mar 2015 10:02:00
The Secret Of Levitation Street Yogis

Yogis and street performers have been simulating levitation with nifty contraptions forever. They appear to be held aloft via nothing but their preternatural mental prowess. But are really enjoying the benefits of basic physics just like the rest of us when we use a chair. However, just because it’s perfectly explainable doesn’t mean it isn’t nifty. I’m especially impressed by this 2-person version and am still trying to work out how exactly the chair they’re using is shaped at the base.

28 Mar 2014 12:43:00
Disney Apocalypse By Kasami-Sensei

DeviantART user Kasami-Sensei has re-envisioned the sweet and innocent protagonists of several Disney films in the style of zombie hunters (and a zombie) from AMC's “The Walking Dead”. We knew that these Disney princesses and princes were cool and tough, but now they really kick-butt. Check out several of Kasami-Sensei's illustrations below and head over to his DeviantART page for even more. Some of these illustrations are even accompanied by fan-fiction stories on Kasami-Sensei's page.
29 Mar 2014 10:23:00
Sculpture By Ervin Loranth Herve

There are not many sculptures in the world that were purposely made to be grotesque, especially on such a large scale. Thus, a Hungarian artist Ervin Loránth Hervé has apparently decided that there isn’t enough horror in this world and created the Feltépve – a sculpture of a stone giant ripping apart the earth in order to break free. However, when we look from another perspective this sculpture might depict a grouchy giant trying to cover himself with a blanket of earth so that everyone would leave him alone. The latter interpretation of this sculpture was probably not intended by the sculptor; however, the way the arms of the giant are positioned makes it look as if it was truly the case.
04 Nov 2014 11:49:00
MB&F Horological Machine No. 6 Space Pirate

All throughout history of mankind people were fascinated by time, its flow, and how to measure it. Thus, the science of horology can into being, as people invented more and more sophisticated ways of measuring the passage of time. Truly, it’s one of the most profound characteristics of being a human, to feel and to ponder the meaning of time, its properties, and will we ever be able to move through it, not with it. Now, however, horology is mainly referred to the art of mechanical watchmaking. (Photo by MB&F)
14 Nov 2014 13:51:00