I really need a manicure!

“Nature is beautiful and amazing – i just point my camera at it”. – Black Cat. Photo: “I really need a manicure”! (Photo by Black Cat)

05 Nov 2012 10:26:00
Couples By Reclarkgable

Reclarkgable is a photographer/art director from Madrid, Spain. He has recently created a really fun series showing how versatile appearances really are.
04 Mar 2013 11:21:00
Tribe Kikuyu With Kenya

The Kikuyu tribe, also spelled as Gikuyu, is the largest ethnic group in Kenya, making up about 22% of the countries total population. That equals around 6 million people, according to the 2007 CIA World Fact Book.
28 Jan 2013 12:36:00
A Palestinian protester sets fire to himself as he throws a molotov cocktail during clashes with the members of the Israeli armed forces in the West Bank city of Hebron, 13 October 2015. The past 12 days have seen the worst spell of street violence in Israel and the Palestinian areas in years, stirred in part by Muslim anger over perceived changes to the status quo observed at a disputed Jerusalem holy site. (Photo by Abed Al Hashlamoun/EPA)

A Palestinian protester sets fire to himself as he throws a molotov cocktail during clashes with the members of the Israeli armed forces in the West Bank city of Hebron, 13 October 2015. The past 12 days have seen the worst spell of street violence in Israel and the Palestinian areas in years, stirred in part by Muslim anger over perceived changes to the status quo observed at a disputed Jerusalem holy site. Sixteen Palestinians from the West Bank and Jerusalem have been killed, but more than half of them have been attackers shot dead after or during attempts to stab Israelis. (Photo by Abed Al Hashlamoun/EPA)
16 Oct 2015 08:06:00
Incredible raindrops on spiders by photographer Uda Dennie

The amazing images, which show the balls of water reflecting an array of colours and even other insects, were snapped by photographer Uda Dennie in his garden. One of the massive droplets even stayed in shape for about a minute before the spider scurried off. Dennie, 33, from Batam Island, Indonesia, said: “I was really surprised to get such amazing pictures – it was really wonderful. I have a real passion for macro photography and after lots of trial and error I'm now able to produce good images – perseverance really paid off”. (Photo by Uda Dennie)
28 Jul 2013 10:01:00
“A Little Monkey on the Cliff”. “A cold front hit the Nagano prefecture. I saw a little monkey enduring the cold in Jigokudani Monkey Park. This little monkey is really cute”. (Photo by Hidetoshi Ogata/Smithsonian Photo Contest)

“A Little Monkey on the Cliff”. “A cold front hit the Nagano prefecture. I saw a little monkey enduring the cold in Jigokudani Monkey Park. This little monkey is really cute”. (Photo by Hidetoshi Ogata/Smithsonian Photo Contest)
10 Mar 2016 12:01:00
Paper Illustrations By Eiko Ojalai

llustrations created with paper and collage has become really trendy and the reason is because it's really awesome. Playing with layers of paper and the depth created by the shadows make this artworks much more alive thank if it was just flat colors. Eiko Ojala has great examples in his portfolio that deserved to be featured here on Abduzeedo.
05 May 2014 10:36:00
New Form Of Art : Cat Painting

Some of these cat paintings have cost $15,000 and had to be renewed every 3 months! Some cat owners are really crazy about their cats! I’m not sure these poor cats really enjoyed the long hours of painting on their fur. The results are pretty amazing! Some cat painting are very simple with a unique color, others are very complex and required a true artist, like painting on a canvas. These cats are ready for Halloween!
04 Jun 2013 11:52:00