Loki Dracula Cat

A cat Loki with a pair of distinctive fangs has quickly become one of the most famous felines on Instagram thanks to evil-looking face. Loki, who now has more than 23,000 followers online, was adopted from a cat shelter by her owner Kaet, who explained on in a posting that she knows very little about the cat’s distinctive appearance. Adopted from a cat shelter, nothing was mentioned to his owner Kaet about her kitten's unique features.
23 Aug 2015 09:16:00
Snakes In Hats

Snakes wearing hats is now an internet meme and it’s kind of cute but also kind of terrifying. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think there’s anything more evil than a giant cartoon snake wearing a bowler hat – the hat just makes it even more sinister. As you can see below, some of these snakes look cool and cute, but some of them are pretty frightening. Either way the addition of a dumb hat definitely has an effect on them. I definitely won’t be getting a pet snake any time soon.
27 Mar 2014 20:19:00
Stop the Violence, Don’t Speed Ad Campaign

The ‘Stop the Violence’ advertising campaign by Brazilian agency Terremoto Propaganda aims to reduce the risk of accidents on the road. The visually grabbing print campaign shows a vehicle painted on the face of one person and the fist of another, drawing the comparison between what is widely known to be intentional violence, such as punching someone in the face, with what many incorrectly consider unintentional, like speeding or unsafe lane changes. Let us know what you think about this campaign in the comments below.
01 Apr 2014 12:29:00
Monty The Cat Without A Nasal Bone

If you love someone very much, you care very little about their looks. The beauty of their soul is the thing that matters the most, changing your perception of them for the better. Monty the Cat is a vivid example of this fact. He was taken by his new owners from an animal shelter at the age of three, and became a proud member of their family. Due to a genetic anomaly Monty doesn’t have a nasal bridge, making his appearance rather unique. However, this peculiarity is what makes Monty special, and his new owners love him for it. Though he doesn’t realize that he’s any different from other cats, Monty knows that his owners love him very much.
10 Nov 2014 13:49:00
My Day With Leo By Joel Strong

These pictures, made by Joel Strong, look as if a giant hand is pinching the head of a poor Leo. Leo, however, is oblivious to this fact and continues on with his life, taking on a role of everyone from an old granny to a young lady. Thanks to Joel’s skill and sense of humor, the cut out heads of Leonardo DiCaprio, taken from 90s magazines, fit perfectly into the new scenes. If seeing young Leo with a body of an old granny or a fat, half-naked guy in the park doesn’t strike you as funny, we don’t know what will. (Photo by Joel Strong)
10 Nov 2014 14:03:00

Greetings, our dear visitors!

Without mincing words we would like to present a feature: Self-Publishing, let's call it Samizdat. :-) Sure we aren't Flickr, StumbleUpon or add_whatever_you_like, we're really small in comparison with these giants but we have constant, very attentive and grateful audience. All we can offer you is a place on the main page and attention of all our visitors to your posts, the things that are hard to achieve on numerous social services. Who knows, maybe tiny and humble indie project like AvaxNews will be much more helpful in searching of your audience than facebook for example. %-)
11 Oct 2013 10:17:00
Raid on the White Tiger Regiment, 1971. (Photo by Zhang Yaxin/Courtesy See+ Gallery, Beijing)

“In 1967, Zhang Yaxin was 34 and working as a photojournalist at China’s state-controlled Xinhua News Agency when he was assigned to a top-secret government project. He was to be the official photographer of a new arts program led by Chairman Mao and his wife – the Model Operas. Though he was not to know it then, Zhang would spend the next seven years documenting the evolution of one of the most dramatic and elaborate attempts to redefine artistic sensibilities in modern art history”. – Chengcheng Jiang via TIME. Photo: Raid on the White Tiger Regiment, 1971. (Photo by Zhang Yaxin/Courtesy See+ Gallery, Beijing)
08 Jul 2013 11:02:00
The Japanese Use A Real Rabbits As Case For Smartphone

If you see a weird trend or a mind boggling commercial, you know that it’s from Japan. Take the latest one for example. You might be misled be the title into thinking that those bloody bastards are killing poor rabbits and making iPhone cases out of them. However, the reality is much more adorable. The new trend is placing iPhones on rabbit’s tummies and taking pictures of it. Rabbits make the perfect iPhone holders! Not only are they fluffy as hell, they can also nibble on your fingers while you try to type a message, or try voiding your iPhone’s warranty by shaking your iPhone off while trying to escape this humiliation.
27 Oct 2014 11:53:00