
Cannabis had already dominated the world of medicine. More and more people become convinced of its effectiveness, especially in terms of treating known diseases (e.g., Epilepsy, Depression, and Anxiety). Such commotion resulted in several experts to create and establish pieces of research about cannabis. Factors affecting the pros and cons are identified and verified to know further whether or not it is a capable substance.
22 Jan 2020 08:49:00
How To Make Gold In Russia (Video)

Krastsvetmet, located beside the beautiful Yensei river in the metropolis of Krasnoyarsk, Russia, is a refinery of all types of precious metals on an industrial scale.

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18 Nov 2016 23:26:00
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08 Feb 2013 14:13:00

Everyone wants to get something for nothing - whether it's a lucky upgrade that means you can turn left when you get on a plane instead or heading off into the economy seats, or even getting a few extra features thrown in for free when you buy a new car.

As some of the sharpest businesses around, no-one understands this quite as well as casinos and that's why they all have a system that they call comps. It's short for "complimentary offers" and these are special treats specially designed to reward you for your loyalty to the casino in question. They're basically bonuses.
30 Jan 2018 23:53:00
Raquel Poti, a 32-year-old street artist, poses at a park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 25, 2016. Raquel thinks the Olympics promotes a lifestyle that combines sports, culture and education. She is concerned about the large investment for the event while the population needs improvements in basic services. (Photo by Pilar Olivares/Reuters)

Just a week before Rio de Janeiro hosts South America's first Olympics, city residents expressed mixed feelings about the cost and security of the Games, while holding out hope they will bring joy to a nation facing economic and political crises. The conflicted thoughts mirror a recent survey by the Datafolha polling group showing that half of Brazilians were opposed to holding the Games, while 63 percent think the costs of hosting the event will outweigh benefits. (Photo by Pilar Olivares/Reuters)
03 Aug 2016 11:51:00
New Study Finds Nicotine Patch And Gum Ineffective In Aiding With Quitting Smoking

In this photo illustration a package of Nicotine Gum, which is advertised as helping people stop smoking cigarettes, is seen on January 10, 2012 in Miami, Florida. A study published in the journal Tobacco Control on Monday, reported that the nicotine alternatives, like Nicotine Gum, have no lasting effect on people trying to quit their smoking habit. (Photo illustration by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
11 Jan 2012 10:28:00
How To Wash Your Hands in Space - Chris Hadfield

Astronaut Chris Hadfield Explains How to Wash your Hands in Space.
15 Feb 2013 11:32:00
Surfer Arlen Macpherson sits on his board, which has an electronic shark repellent device installed, at Sydney's Bondi Beach in Australia, August 18, 2015. A spate of shark attacks in Australia has left some of world's top surfing beaches deserted and many people having second thoughts about taking a swim as the summer approaches. Macpherson paid A$390 for a device embedded in his surf board to repel sharks by emitting an electronic force field that overpowers its sensing organs. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)

Surfer Arlen Macpherson sits on his board, which has an electronic shark repellent device installed, at Sydney's Bondi Beach in Australia, August 18, 2015. A spate of shark attacks in Australia has left some of world's top surfing beaches deserted and many people having second thoughts about taking a swim as the summer approaches. Macpherson paid A$390 for a device embedded in his surf board to repel sharks by emitting an electronic force field that overpowers its sensing organs. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)
19 Aug 2015 12:47:00