
荻野目洋子 (Yōko Oginome) – ダンシング・ヒーロー (Dancing Hero (Eat You Up)) New Dance Version
15 May 2021 08:22:00

Greetings, sickly monkeys! Planet Nibiru is near already. Confess, parasites! Love you! Yours truly, Avax
16 May 2012 15:07:00
Giant Globe Made From Matches By Andy Yoder

Do you ever get the irresistible urge to light matches on fire, especially if there are many of them in one place? If you do, you shouldn’t come near the giant globe made by an American artist Andy Yoder. The thing is, this 42” globe is made entirely out of matches on the outside, while the center was made using plywood, foam, and cardboard. It took Andy two years to complete his work, finally finishing in 2014. Each of the matches used was hand-painted and then glued in place. Also, in order to prevent his masterpiece from catching fire, Andy Yoder has doused his work with a flame repellant.
27 Feb 2015 03:32:00
The Art Of Clean Up By Ursus Wehrli

Are you one of those people who like to keep everything in order? If you do, you’re going to love the project The Art of Clean Up, created by Ursus Wehrli. This guy will perfectly organize the most unusual of places! Do you hate how unorganized the parking lots are, or how your haphazardly your grandma hangs the laundry to dry in the sun? Welcome to the perfect world where everything is in its rightful place. Every little detail is kept in check; every color is placed where it belongs, just like you love it. Did you ever think that your Christmas tree is not orderly enough? Well, Ursus will take it apart and put it in near little piles. (Photo by Ursus Wehrli)
15 Dec 2014 11:09:00
Misty Traffic Lights In Germany Photographed By Lucas Zimmermann

I’m really enjoying this series of photos by photographer Lucas Zimmermann captured on a foggy night near Weimar, Germany. You can see more from the series over on Behance.
31 Dec 2013 11:39:00
Mystical Forest. Tracey Jennings photographed this seven-gill shark in a kelp forest just off the shore of Simon's Town near Cape Town, South Africa. You don't need to travel far from cities to visit Narnia. This 7 gill shark was photographed in a kelp forest just off the shore of Simonstown near Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo by Tracey Jennings/National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest)

Mystical Forest. Tracey Jennings photographed this seven-gill shark in a kelp forest just off the shore of Simon's Town near Cape Town, South Africa. You don't need to travel far from cities to visit Narnia. This 7 gill shark was photographed in a kelp forest just off the shore of Simonstown near Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo by Tracey Jennings/National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest)
24 May 2016 09:32:00
the end is near

The end is near

Fabian Ciraolo‘s Illustrations are so impressive that they could be described in many of the same ways, but we like them because they’re so f’ing cool. Where else are you going to find psychedelic space backgrounds decked out with Skeletor in a suit, Captain Planet playing guitar or Dorothy in an Empire of the Sun shirt in one place?
10 Jun 2012 10:39:00
Living Paintings By Alexa Meade

Creators of Mini Cooper continue on with their innovative way of promoting their product. First, it was the huge cardboard boxes, which looked like packaging for full sized Mini Coopers, left all over Amsterdam. Now they’ve hired a famous artist Alexa Meade, who is known for making 3-D objects look as if they are 2-D paintings. For this project, Alexa had to fly to Japan, where she turned a whole Mini Cooper into a “drawing”. Even if you know that what you’re seeing on the picture are 3-D objects, your brain refuses to accept this, making you think that Alexa is standing near a sloppy picture of a Mini Cooper.
13 Nov 2014 13:48:00