Beautiful World By Artem Rhads Cheboha (video)

Russian illustrator from South West of Siberia Artem Chebokha creates surreal digital paintings that have a peaceful yet grandiose feel to them.
07 Nov 2016 02:58:00

Greetings, our dear visitors!

Without mincing words we would like to present a feature: Self-Publishing, let's call it Samizdat. :-) Sure we aren't Flickr, StumbleUpon or add_whatever_you_like, we're really small in comparison with these giants but we have constant, very attentive and grateful audience. All we can offer you is a place on the main page and attention of all our visitors to your posts, the things that are hard to achieve on numerous social services. Who knows, maybe tiny and humble indie project like AvaxNews will be much more helpful in searching of your audience than facebook for example. %-)
11 Oct 2013 10:17:00
Surreal Drawing By Anil Saxena (Video)

Anil Saxena from Mumbay, India creates amazing photo manipulations using Photoshop. These surreal photos will truly amaze you. Anil started out doing conventional darkroom photo composition and retouching them before moving these skills over to Photoshop.
16 Nov 2016 06:05:00
Bioluminescent sea fireflies glittering like diamonds on the rocks and sand. Okayama, Japan. July 2016. (Photo by Trevor Williams/Jonathan Galione/Getty Images)

Those lights are actually bioluminescent shrimp, better known as sea fireflies, or, in Japan, as “umibotaru”. Visible every year from May until the end of October, they live in the sand around very shallow sea water and are often seen floating between the extremes of high and low tides. Here: Bioluminescent sea fireflies glittering like diamonds on the rocks and sand. Okayama, Japan. July 2016. (Photo by Trevor Williams/Jonathan Galione/Getty Images)
23 Aug 2016 10:13:00
Realistic Drawings By Ruben Belloso Adorna (Video)

Ruben Belloso Adorna, a young artist from Seville, Spain, has taken the art world by storm with his incredibly detailed portraits of real-life and fictional characters drawn exclusively in pastel on wooden canvas.
25 Oct 2016 23:11:00
Beluga Whales Blowing Bubbles in Japan (video)

The talent in bubbles unfurled the white Beluga whales living in Shimane Aquarium in Japan.As shown in the picture, have learned to make bubble rings, indicative of high intelligence.Whales blowing air from the mouth to create a stream and immediately after xanafysoun powerfully in the same place so that the bubbles to form a ring.Beluga whales are organized in groups and are social animals. They live in Arctic and sub​​-Arctic and known as "sea canaries" and mimic a wide range of sounds.
28 Oct 2016 22:52:00
Optical Illusion Art By Oleg Shuplyak (video)

Ukrainian artist Oleg Shuplyak masters the optical illusion in his incredible scenic oil paintings.
02 Nov 2016 22:42:00
High Glitz by Susan Anderson

Child beauty pageants are a billion-dollar industry in the U.S. While some critics see the pageants as an exploitation of innocents, others—particularly pageant parents—view the competitions as a way for a young talent to enter the entertainment industry.
07 Nov 2016 23:55:00