Fadumo Nunow Abdillow, 15, lives at Muuri camp. The UN has appealed for $1.5bn to address the crisis. Just 40% of the money ($611.m) has been received so far. (Photo by Peter Caton/Mercy Corps)

The worst drought in 40 years has a cruel grip on Somalia. A struggling young government and militant violence have compounded to bring crisis to 6.7 million lives. The town of Baidoa is facing some of the harshest conditions. Surrounded by territory controlled by al-Shabaab militants and amid ongoing attacks, 160,000 people have had to leave their farms and are surviving in camps where hunger, thirst and cholera await them. (Photo by Peter Caton/Mercy Corps)
12 Aug 2017 05:47:00
Meital Ben Ari, a co-founder of “Freedom Farm” pats Gary, a sheep with leg braces, at the farm which serves as a refuge for mostly disabled animals in Moshav Olesh, Israel on March 7, 2019. (Photo by Nir Elias/Reuters)

Meital Ben Ari, a co-founder of “Freedom Farm” pats Gary, a sheep with leg braces, at the farm which serves as a refuge for mostly disabled animals in Moshav Olesh, Israel on March 7, 2019. (Photo by Nir Elias/Reuters)
15 Mar 2019 00:03:00
1970: Two brown bear cubs born at Whipsnade Zoo

Two brown bear cubs born at Whipsnade Zoo. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images). 1970
28 Nov 2011 12:00:00


The story of 20 children born or living with illness or health conditions is being told by Toronto photographer and artist Shawn Van Daele, by transforming their drawings into magical photographs.
26 May 2012 06:55:00
1930: The Burney, a new streamlined car designed by Sir Denniston Burney who was responsible for the design of the R 100 (R100) airship

The Burney, a new streamlined car on the London streets, designed by Sir Denniston Burney who was responsible for the design of the R100 (R 100) airship. The engine is in the rear. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images). 15th September 1930
23 Oct 2011 16:30:00
Auto wreck, 1935. (Photo by Leslie Jones)

Auto wreck, 1935. (Photo by Leslie Jones)
16 May 2013 12:34:00
Australian jouster Kimberly Belcher poses for a portrait in her armour on the sidelines of the jousting tournament at the St Ives Medieval Fair in Sydney, one of the largest of its kind in Australia, September 22, 2016. (Photo by Jason Reed/Reuters)

Australian jouster Kimberly Belcher poses for a portrait in her armour on the sidelines of the jousting tournament at the St Ives Medieval Fair in Sydney, one of the largest of its kind in Australia, September 22, 2016. (Photo by Jason Reed/Reuters)
25 Sep 2016 07:44:00

Judy, a black collie whose owner was killed by a train when trying to retrieve her after she slipped her lead. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images). 17th December 1976
08 Jun 2011 09:54:00