Eyes As Big As Plates – Norway And Finland

Eyes as Big as Plates is a whimsical series by Finnish photographer Riitta Ikonen and Norwegian photographer Karoline Hjorth that features senior citizens donning organic materials like twigs and grass. Ikonen says that the collaborative project originally began as "a play on characters and protagonists from Norwegian folklore" but has since evolved into a collection of images exploring "mental landscapes" that reflect a return of body to nature with the use of scavenged materials.
08 Apr 2013 09:53:00
“Romantic”. A brown bear in Martinselkonen, Finland. (Photo by Valtteri Mulkahainen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

“Romantic”. A brown bear in Martinselkonen, Finland. (Photo by Valtteri Mulkahainen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)
22 Oct 2022 04:44:00
The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is seen in the sky over Muonio in Lapland, Finland on January 18, 2021. (Photo by Alexander Kuznetsov/Reuters)

The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is seen in the sky over Muonio in Lapland, Finland on January 18, 2021. (Photo by Alexander Kuznetsov/Reuters)
12 Nov 2021 09:09:00
The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is seen over the sky near Inari in Lapland, Finland February 14, 2019. (Photo by Alexander Kuznetsov/Reuters)

The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is seen over the sky near Inari in Lapland, Finland on February 14, 2019. (Photo by Alexander Kuznetsov/Reuters)
02 Mar 2019 00:01:00
Anti-racist Loldiers of Odin clowns speak with police as they take to the streets against anti-immigration marchers in Tampere, Finland January 23, 2016. Police prevented the groups from confronting each other. On the northern fringes of Europe, Finland has little history of welcoming large numbers of refugees, unlike neighbouring Sweden. But as with other European countries, it is now struggling with a huge increase in asylum seekers and the authorities are wary of any anti-immigrant vigilantism. (Photo by Kalle Parkkinen/Reuters/Lehtikuva)

Anti-racist Loldiers of Odin clowns speak with police as they take to the streets against anti-immigration marchers in Tampere, Finland January 23, 2016. Police prevented the groups from confronting each other. On the northern fringes of Europe, Finland has little history of welcoming large numbers of refugees, unlike neighbouring Sweden. But as with other European countries, it is now struggling with a huge increase in asylum seekers and the authorities are wary of any anti-immigrant vigilantism. (Photo by Kalle Parkkinen/Reuters/Lehtikuva)
24 Jan 2016 15:49:00
Players in action during the Swamp Soccer Championships 2019 in Hyrynsalmi, Finland, 19 July 2019. The World Championship in swamp football is played annually on Vuorisuo bog in Hyrynsalmi. (Photo by Tomi Hanninen/EPA/EFE)

Players in action during the Swamp Soccer Championships 2019 in Hyrynsalmi, Finland, 19 July 2019. The World Championship in swamp football is played annually on Vuorisuo bog in Hyrynsalmi. (Photo by Tomi Hanninen/EPA/EFE)
21 Jul 2019 00:07:00
The Aurora Borealis seen across the sky in Lapland, Finland. The beautiful phenomenon was captured by photographer Marko Korosec on a trip to the arctic region of Lapland in Northern Finland. He used long exposures on his Canon DSLR to create the stunning images. (Photo by Marko Korosec/Barcroft Media)

The Aurora Borealis seen across the sky in Lapland, Finland. The beautiful phenomenon was captured by photographer Marko Korosec on a trip to the arctic region of Lapland in Northern Finland. He used long exposures on his Canon DSLR to create the stunning images. (Photo by Marko Korosec/Barcroft Media)
15 Mar 2015 06:09:00
Competitors Taisto Miettinen and Katja Kovanen fron Finland participate in the annual Wife Carrying World Championships in Sonkajarvi, Finland on July 6, 2019. People from all over the world took part in the event that was founded in 1992. (Photo by Mauri Ratilaine/EPA/EFE/Rex Features/Shutterstock)

Competitors Taisto Miettinen and Katja Kovanen fron Finland participate in the annual Wife Carrying World Championships in Sonkajarvi, Finland on July 6, 2019. People from all over the world took part in the event that was founded in 1992. (Photo by Mauri Ratilaine/EPA/EFE/Rex Features/Shutterstock)
14 Jul 2019 00:07:00