Peter Ver Ploeg carries Virginia Petrovek through the mud pit during the North American Wife Carrying Championship, Saturday, October 8, 2016, at the Sunday River Ski Resort in Newry, Maine. (Photo by Robert F. Bukaty/AP Photo)

Peter Ver Ploeg carries Virginia Petrovek through the mud pit during the North American Wife Carrying Championship, Saturday, October 8, 2016, at the Sunday River Ski Resort in Newry, Maine. (Photo by Robert F. Bukaty/AP Photo)
10 Oct 2016 10:17:00
Jeff and Kelly Lyons clear the first obstacle while competing in the North American Wife Carrying Championship at Sunday River ski resort in Newry, Maine October 11, 2014. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Jeff and Kelly Lyons clear the first obstacle while competing in the North American Wife Carrying Championship at Sunday River ski resort in Newry, Maine October 11, 2014. (Photo by Brian Snyder/Reuters)
13 Oct 2014 11:05:00
Paul Brockmans Collection Of 55,000 Dresses Bought For His Wife

There are many types of collections. Some are formed by purposefully collecting certain objects, such as stamps or coins. However, some collections are only a byproduct of an obsession, a quirk of mind. For example, Paul Brockmann got into the habit of buying his girlfriend and later his wife a dress every time they went ballroom dancing. It might seem excessive to some, but it was his way of showing his affection. Overtime, this collection grew to be enormous, counting 55,000 dresses in total. Basic math tells us that either they went ballroom dancing three times per day for every day of their lives, or he bought them in huge bundles every time.
28 Mar 2015 10:11:00
Little Red Riding Hood. “The moment I pulled this sweater out of the drawer for Frankie I knew what I wanted for my picture today. I envisioned the look, the style, and the composition. When working with a 2 year old it is never easy to actually get the shot you want, especially when they decide to skip nap time. But I really like how this one turned out” – Rich. (Photo by Rich)

«Little Red Riding Hood». “The moment I pulled this sweater out of the drawer for Frankie I knew what I wanted for my picture today. I envisioned the look, the style, and the composition. When working with a 2 year old it is never easy to actually get the shot you want, especially when they decide to skip nap time. But I really like how this one turned out” – Rich. (Photo by Rich)
17 Sep 2012 12:51:00
Mexico Wave. (Photo by Kenji Croman/Caters News)

“One talented photographer has managed to capture these jaw-dropping images that show off the beauty of the surf and the art hidden in the waves. Kenji Croman has a deep passion for bodyboarding and photography and was inspired to combine the two after growing up in Hawaii”. – Caters News. (Photo by Kenji Croman/Caters News)
19 Sep 2014 09:56:00
Kyaiktiyo, Burma, 1978. The Golden Rock at Shwe Pyi Daw (the Golden Country), the Buddhist holy place. Hiroji Kubota writes: “I was desperate to keep a distance from America for a while; luckily, I found Burma and its gentle and compassionate people. In the spring of 1978, on the top of the hill where I took this photo, I had two Leica bodies: the one with Tri-X and the other with Kodachrome 64. Soon after, I realised that the colour one looked very colourful and was more powerful. That was my decisive moment, to become a colour photographer”. (Photo by Hiroji Kubota/Magnum Photos)

Kyaiktiyo, Burma, 1978. The Golden Rock at Shwe Pyi Daw (the Golden Country), the Buddhist holy place. Hiroji Kubota writes: “I was desperate to keep a distance from America for a while; luckily, I found Burma and its gentle and compassionate people. In the spring of 1978, on the top of the hill where I took this photo, I had two Leica bodies: the one with Tri-X and the other with Kodachrome 64. Soon after, I realised that the colour one looked very colourful and was more powerful. That was my decisive moment, to become a colour photographer”. (Photo by Hiroji Kubota/Magnum Photos)
10 Jun 2016 13:30:00
“Ohh no :( Raining”. (Photo by Kutub Uddin)

This photo was caught on camera by amateur photographer Kutub Uddin, 27, and was taken in his back garden in Bognor Regis, West Sussex. The red-eyed tree frogs have been Mr Uddin's pets for four months and he often lets them out to roam around his garden. Photo: “Ohh no :( Raining”. (Photo by Kutub Uddin)
30 Jan 2014 08:42:00
Onlookers gather around a struggling beached whale in the Yoff neighborhood of Dakar, Senegal Wednesday, May 21, 2008. Residents worked Wednesday morning to save some of the more than 80 whales that were stranded on the beach Tuesday night. This whale was successfully towed out to sea by a fishing boat, though at least 20 others lay dead on the beach by midday Wednesday. (Photo by Rebecca Blackwell/AP Photo)

Onlookers gather around a struggling beached whale in the Yoff neighborhood of Dakar, Senegal Wednesday, May 21, 2008. Residents worked Wednesday morning to save some of the more than 80 whales that were stranded on the beach Tuesday night. This whale was successfully towed out to sea by a fishing boat, though at least 20 others lay dead on the beach by midday Wednesday. (Photo by Rebecca Blackwell/AP Photo)
26 Oct 2014 12:08:00