Illustrator Mica Angela Hendricks Collaborates with Her 4 year Old Daughter

In one of the best collaborations this blog has seen in ages, professional illustrator Mica Angela Hendricks has been collaborating with her 4-year-old daughter on a series of wonderful drawings that pass back and forther between mother and daugher until reaching an always unexpected final form. Each drawing begins with Hendricks drawing a detailed retro-ish head, after which her daughter snatches away the sketchbook to create rudimentary body (or animal!) parts as well as other random details. Afterward Hendricks goes back in to polish things up a bit and behold: dinosaur women, slug ladies, and beaver astronauts are born.
10 Sep 2013 11:27:00
Surreal  Art by David Fuhrer

In this article we’ll be featuring a set of unique, highly-detailed surreal artworks created by David Fuhrer AKA Microbot, a self -taught freelance digital artist from Bern, Switzerland.
09 Sep 2013 10:26:00
Surreal Art by Manuel Rodriguez Sanchez

Discover fabulous use of photomanipulation in these illustrations when you dive into the surreal world of Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez.
03 Sep 2013 10:48:00
Amazing Art By Apofiss

hello! finally I got together all my energy leftovers from the day to write a journal entry... and stright to the point about commission works, yup those are still CLOSED. at this point I'm trying to take more time just to draw and paint for myself ( just like in childhood times haha ). whenever I will feel like opening more personal commission work slots I will definitely let you all know ( just in case I must warn about a little price rise, yup o; ). sooner or later I will open few slots this year!
27 Aug 2013 14:07:00
Yuri Matsika Art

Love and joy in paintings by Yuri Matsika
25 Aug 2013 12:18:00
Amy Hamilton Artwork

These animal portraits and painted headdresses by Amy Hamilton are adorably perfect for this time of year. They feel so soft and wintery, and would make amazing notecards for gifts.
24 Aug 2013 07:20:00
Spherical Floating Orb Painting by Masakatsu Sashie

Masakatsu Sashie is a Japanese painter, born in 1974 in Kanazawa. His paintings of spherical structures floating above rubble on the streets, envision a future where environmental disasters have made the cities depicted uninhabitable. While he has been painting since 1999, his work caught more national intention in 2005 at the Geisai art show.
20 Aug 2013 11:19:00
Digital Art by Hong Kuang

Kuang Hong is a great artist from Shanghai. The oriental style is felt in his drawings and you can just like it. The weapons he uses are Wacom Intuos2, Painter and Photoshop CS2
19 Aug 2013 10:09:00