Celebrity Portraits By Vince Low

Malaysian artist Vince Low’s series of doodle art illustrations of some of cinema’s famous leading men is a delight to behold.
01 Jul 2013 11:32:00
Art Of Fenghua Zhong

Amazing compositions and attention to detail goes into these conceptual pieces of art from China based artist – Fenghua Zhong
28 Jun 2013 12:26:00
Anatomical Self Dissections By Danny Quirk

"I'm an artist, recent graduate, specializing in photo realistic watercolors, painting what the camera can't capture. My work is perceivably on the darker side, but the actually is, it's about exploration.
My anatomical works combine classic poses, in dramatic chiaroscuro lighting, with a very contemporary twist... illustrating what's underneath the skin, and the portrayed figure dissects a region of their body to show the structures that lay beneath."

Danny Quirk
25 Jun 2013 10:56:00
The 'Famous Political Figures' by Ahmad Kushha

Famous Political Figures by Ahmad Kushha is a series of illustrations that feature world leaders that have been shrunken down to look like cartoon characters with huge eyes.
17 Jun 2013 09:20:00
Art By Tamas Gaspar

Tamas Gaspar has done some great illustrations for the band Rackajam. These are probably the members of the band, and I can imagine how thrilled they were when they first put their eyes on these. Awesome style! Well, for more of Gaspar's works you may visit his portfolio at DeviantART.
11 Jun 2013 09:07:00
Iris Scott - Painting With Fingers

Though finger painting is normally associated with tempera paint and messy classroom art projects, Iris Scott is quickly changing what "finger painting" brings to mind. Wearing surgical gloves and painting with high grade oils, Iris achieves a whirlwind of crisscrossing color strokes and a vibrant impressionistic style. Since 2009, when Iris first began finger painting in Taiwan, her artistic career has caught her by surprise. Grateful for a new global market of online art collectors, Iris has shipped to Dubai, Ireland, and all over the USA.
10 Jun 2013 09:15:00
New Form Of Art : Cat Painting

Some of these cat paintings have cost $15,000 and had to be renewed every 3 months! Some cat owners are really crazy about their cats! I’m not sure these poor cats really enjoyed the long hours of painting on their fur. The results are pretty amazing! Some cat painting are very simple with a unique color, others are very complex and required a true artist, like painting on a canvas. These cats are ready for Halloween!
04 Jun 2013 11:52:00
Art By Frank Melech

Frank Melech is a digital designer and photographer from Germany. He created his fantastic pictures using Adobe Photoshop.
03 Jun 2013 10:28:00