Zombie Portraits By Andre De Freitas

“Zombie Portraits“, a series of portraits zombified by photographer / illustrator Andre De Freitas aka Megatherium: Donald, Batman, Iron Man, Luffy from One Piece, Popeye, Charlie, etc…
01 Jun 2013 11:04:00
Oil Paintings By Paul David Bond

Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
31 May 2013 15:58:00
Native American Prints By Kirby Sattler

The work of Kirby Sattler is fueled by an inherent interest in the Indigenous Peoples of the Earth. His current images evolve from the history, ceremony, mythology, and spirituality of the Native American
18 May 2013 08:17:00
Street Art By El Mac

Born in Los Angeles in 1980 to an engineer and an artist, Mac has been creating and studying art independently since childhood. He was inspired at a young age by classic European painters such as Caravaggio, and Vermeer and Art Nouveau symbolists such as Klimt and Mucha. This was mixed with the more contemporary influences of graffiti and photorealism, as well as as the Chicano & Mexican culture he grew up around.
16 May 2013 10:42:00
 Rock Caricature By Sebastian Cast

Sebastian Cast, Argentine cartoonist, living in Buenos Aires.
30 Apr 2013 12:17:00
Art Styles By Brano Hlavac

Brano Hlavac aka Gartier Atelier is another one of those artists whose work can be difficult to pinpoint. His artwork jumps from style to style, but it's not such a bad thing considering how well it shows off his talents.
20 Apr 2013 09:33:00
Pencil Carvings By Diem Chau

Seattle-based artist Diem Chau creates amazing miniature carvings from the graphite of pencils. Chau combines common mediums and common means to create delicate vignettes of fleeting memory, resulting in works that combine egalitarian sensibility and minimalist restraint.
13 Apr 2013 09:42:00
Feather Paintings By Julie Thompson

Many people have seen feathers as decorative items before. Today, ostrich, peacock and bird of paradise feathers can be seen in haute couture and in the costumes of indigenous peoples. They can be colorful and spectacular in their own right, but how much more stunning might they be when used as canvases for artists, eager to demonstrate their talent for the unusual? Alaskan-born and -bred artist Julie Thompson is an astounding exponent of this incredible art
10 Apr 2013 10:31:00