Indian women wearing traditional attire take a “selfie” with an Indian man dressed as King 'Mahabali' during the Hindu harvesting festival Onam celebrations in Bangalore, India, 28 August 2015. Local people put flower mats in front of their houses, to welcome the King Mahabali, a past ruler of Kerala southern India, during the ten-day festival. (Photo by Jagadeesh N. V./EPA)

Indian women wearing traditional attire take a “selfie” with an Indian man dressed as King 'Mahabali' during the Hindu harvesting festival Onam celebrations in Bangalore, India, 28 August 2015. Local people put flower mats in front of their houses, to welcome the King Mahabali, a past ruler of Kerala southern India, during the ten-day festival. (Photo by Jagadeesh N. V./EPA)
02 Oct 2015 08:05:00
Nick Krist makes a funny face as he and his son, Noah, 8, take a selfie before a baseball game between the Los Angeles Angels and the Minnesota Twins, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, in Anaheim, Calif. (Photo by Jae C. Hong/AP Photo)

Nick Krist makes a funny face as he and his son, Noah, 8, take a selfie before a baseball game between the Los Angeles Angels and the Minnesota Twins, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, in Anaheim, Calif. (Photo by Jae C. Hong/AP Photo)
24 Jul 2015 12:04:00
A group of young men use a selfie stick to take a picture of themselves in shallow waters known as the first cataract of the River Nile outside Khartoum, Sudan, May 22, 2015. In Sudan, which faces insurgences in the western region of Darfur and along its border with breakaway South Sudan, as well as double-digit inflation and high unemployment, life goes on for young people in the capital Khartoum. (Photo by Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters)

A group of young men use a selfie stick to take a picture of themselves in shallow waters known as the first cataract of the River Nile outside Khartoum, Sudan, May 22, 2015. In Sudan, which faces insurgences in the western region of Darfur and along its border with breakaway South Sudan, as well as double-digit inflation and high unemployment, life goes on for young people in the capital Khartoum. (Photo by Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters)
09 Jul 2015 12:20:00
A woman reacts as she uses a selfie stick to take a photo of herself at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, Thursday, April 30, 2015. Selfie sticks are gaining popular in China, and many people are using them at popular tourist destinations. (Photo by Andy Wong/AP Photo)

A woman reacts as she uses a selfie stick to take a photo of herself at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, Thursday, April 30, 2015. Selfie sticks are gaining popular in China, and many people are using them at popular tourist destinations. (Photo by Andy Wong/AP Photo)
12 May 2015 12:54:00
These adrenaline-junkie climbers go to extraordinary lengths, and heights, to take a selfie. Hundreds of metres above the ground, the climbers risk their life and liberty as they scale huge structures and photograph the results. Known as urban exploration, the aim is to find extremely high and almost inaccessible city buildings and reach their dizzying summits.(Photo by Yaroslav Segeda/Solent News)

These adrenaline-junkie climbers go to extraordinary lengths, and heights, to take a selfie. Hundreds of metres above the ground, the climbers risk their life and liberty as they scale huge structures and photograph the results. Known as urban exploration, the aim is to find extremely high and almost inaccessible city buildings and reach their dizzying summits. (Photo by Yaroslav Segeda/Solent News)
05 May 2015 10:37:00
An employee of the National Park Service takes a selfie with President Barack Obama, left, in the background meeting with the crowd after a tour of Everglades National Park on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22, 2015, in Florida. Obama used the visit  to warn of the damage that climate change is already inflicting on the nation's environmental treasures. (Photo by Lynne Sladky/AP Photo)

An employee of the National Park Service takes a selfie with President Barack Obama, left, in the background meeting with the crowd after a tour of Everglades National Park on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22, 2015, in Florida. Obama used the visit to warn of the damage that climate change is already inflicting on the nation's environmental treasures. (Photo by Lynne Sladky/AP Photo)
29 Apr 2015 06:52:00
A woman takes a selfie next to a model of Thor during the Middle East Film & Comic Con (MEFCC) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Saturday, April 11, 2015. (Photo by Kamran Jebreili/AP Photo)

A woman takes a selfie next to a model of Thor during the Middle East Film & Comic Con (MEFCC) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Saturday, April 11, 2015. (Photo by Kamran Jebreili/AP Photo)
17 Apr 2015 10:51:00
If Kim Kardashian was a feline shed be purr-fect for this new book which features a collection the worlds best cat “selfies”. The furry frames have been compiled by cat owner Charlie Ellis who has scoured the globe for the perfect puss pictures. In his book “Cat Selfies” moggies try their hand at the craze most of their humans have become addicted to posting on social media.  And it turns out cats might be better at taking photos than their owners with a variety of poses captioned in the book. (Photo by Charlie Ellis/Caters News)

If Kim Kardashian was a feline shed be purr-fect for this new book which features a collection the worlds best cat “selfies”. The furry frames have been compiled by cat owner Charlie Ellis who has scoured the globe for the perfect puss pictures. In his book “Cat Selfies” moggies try their hand at the craze most of their humans have become addicted to posting on social media. And it turns out cats might be better at taking photos than their owners with a variety of poses captioned in the book. (Photo by Charlie Ellis/Caters News)

29 Mar 2015 12:03:00