Couple with a young female spirit

“William Hope (1863 – 8 March 1933) was a pioneer of so-called “spirit photography” (spirit photography is a type of photography whose primary attempt is to capture images of ghosts and other spiritual entities, especially in ghost hunting). Based in Crewe, England, he was a member of the well known spiritualists group, the Crewe Circle”. – Wikipedia

Photo: Couple with a young female spirit.
06 Jun 2012 11:30:00
Two men on the deck of a ship, about 1890. (Photo by Collection of National Media Museum/Kodak Museum)

“Today, we take photography for granted. Anyone can take a photograph simply by pressing a button. Yet, it was not always so simple. The invention of photography was announced in 1839, but during its first fifty years taking a photograph was a complicated and expensive business. In 1888, all this was to change following the appearance of a camera that was to revolutionize photography. Popular photography can properly be said to have started 120 years ago with the introduction of the Kodak”. – The UK National Media Museum. Photo: Two men on the deck of a ship, about 1890. (Photo by Collection of National Media Museum/Kodak Museum)
27 May 2014 10:31:00
Cockatoos by Leila Jeffreys

Leila Jeffreys is a relative newcomer to exhibiting but there is nothing quick or usual about the life path which has led to her showcasing Fine Art Photography around the world. via Photography Blogs.
25 Mar 2015 07:16:00
Amazon Tribe By David Lazar

David Lazar is a travel photographer and musician from Brisbane, Australia, who loves to capture moments of life, beauty and culture through photography. He is drawn to locations which have a rich cultural background and he is especially interested in portrait and landscape photography.
24 Sep 2014 12:13:00
long exposure

Long-exposure photography or time-exposure photography involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements. The paths of moving light sources become clearly visible.
03 Jul 2012 14:37:00
Children Photos By Kim Anderson Part 2

Kim Anderson photography career, now overseen from his home base in a Swiss mountainside village, began the way of many shutter bugs. His early photos focused on fashion and people, as well as photography for advertising agencies.
28 Mar 2014 17:29:00
A person looks up at the Aurora Australis in Judbury in the Huon Valley, Tasmania on April 24, 2023. (Photo by Toby Schrapel freelance photography/The Guardian)

A person looks up at the Aurora Australis in Judbury in the Huon Valley, Tasmania on April 24, 2023. (Photo by Toby Schrapel freelance photography/The Guardian)
14 Jun 2023 02:45:00
Parallel Worlds By Karezoid Michal Karcz

Karezoid Michal Karcz is a photographer from Warsaw, Poland. He first started with painting, which helped him to develop a vision that was hard to create with other visual techniques. Then in early 90s discovered photography. His early fascinations of painting and photography have been combined into one piece, with the use of digital tools. Digital photography gave him the opportunity to generate unique realities that were impossible to be created with an ordinary dark room techniques.
20 Jul 2013 18:06:00