Funny Selfies By Helene Meldahl

The time of selfies with duck faces is long gone and ridiculed, though some persist in doing it. Helene Meldahl, however, didn’t want to give up the trend, but had to think of a creative way to keep doing it. So she decided to create comical pictures by drawing over the selfies that she has made. Some people just can’t stop taking pictures of themselves. It makes you wonder, what they would do in an era before the existence of cameras… Oh, poor souls, they would definitely suffer greatly without the possibility of sharing on instagram their “stunning looks” and the pictures of food that they eat every 2 seconds. (Photo by Helene Meldahl)
07 Nov 2014 12:31:00
Funny Necklace By Takayuki Fukusawa

Fukusawa Takayuki is a Japanese designer, whose life’s goal is to brighten up the people's mood through his creations. His latest project sure does the job. In this project he created a number of figurine-pendants called the “Tanima Diver”. When worn by a woman with full breasts, it looks like the figurine is making a dive into her cleavage. Though only the most outgoing of girls will allow herself to wear such a necklace, it will surely bring a wide smile to the face of any man. (Photo by Takayuki Fukusawa)
18 Nov 2014 11:10:00
Jane Fonda, Studio Willy Rizzo, Paris, 1966. (Photo by Willy Rizzo)

“Willy Rizzo was an Italian photographer and designer. In late 1948, Willy began an illustrious twenty-year career with Paris Match that would have him photograph some of the greatest names of the golden age of photojournalism. Married later to actress Elsa Martinelli, Rizzo enjoyed unparalleled access to the stars; Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso all found themselves in front of Rizzo’s lens”. – Wikipedia. Photo: Jane Fonda, Studio Willy Rizzo, Paris, 1966. (Photo by Willy Rizzo)
28 Mar 2014 07:12:00
Funny Cartoons By Lucas Levitan Part 1

Adorable cartoonish characters created by a Brazilian illustrator Lucas Levian accentuate the most prominent details of the pictures that he has found on Instagram. The original photos were completely bland and uninteresting; however, Lucas Levitan manages to add a comical effect to them by skillfully adding a character that is doing something completely unexpected. Who would imagу placing a little guy with an iron onto the forehead of an old man? (Photo by Lucas Levitan)
30 Dec 2014 11:33:00
Funny Family Photo By Bruce Osborn

TOKYO (majirox news) — It takes a lot of time and effort to create the perfect shot, and tremendous creativity to compose an original series. Yet, photographer Bruce Osborn has done just that.
16 Sep 2015 10:30:00
Funny And Weird Illustrations By Uttam Sinha

“I like to draw simple, creepy and weird illustrations on feet pictures of friends and people. When nobody volunteers I do it on my own feet. Everything is being done on the phone only”. – Uttam Sinha
10 Jan 2016 08:00:00
Adorable Baby Chicks Wearing Funny Little Hats

Chicks in Hats is one of those photo projects that will bring a huge smile to your face! There is something inherently funny about animals wearing people's clothing. Maine-based artist Julie Persons created this series simply because she says, "I like to put hats on my chicks and take photographs of them."
06 Jan 2013 11:26:00
Funny Ad - Snickers Mr Bean, Video

Check out the new Snickers TV ad where Mr Bean demonstrates that you’re not Kung Fu when you’re hungry.
22 Oct 2014 11:35:00