Animal Eyes By Suren Manvelyan (Video)

Suren Manvelyan is a professional Armenian photographer who specializes in animal eye, human eye, macro, landscape, portrait and night spirit photos.

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17 Nov 2016 23:46:00
"The Amazing GIFS Of Romain Laurent

French photographer and director Romain Laurent started making portrait-based GIFs as a way to produce work outside his commercial jobs, a spontaneous project that would encourage him to produce consistently for himself rather than clients.
26 Oct 2016 20:09:00
Funny Family Photo By Bruce Osborn

TOKYO (majirox news) — It takes a lot of time and effort to create the perfect shot, and tremendous creativity to compose an original series. Yet, photographer Bruce Osborn has done just that.
16 Sep 2015 10:30:00
The Beautiful Landscapes By Alex Robciuc

They say the great photographers are out of bed before sunrise and always late for dinner. Photographer Alex Robciuc does just that; waking at 5 AM to capture the gorgeous morning light spilling over a small county in Transylvania, Romania. This dedication to early rising and sticking around for the "perfect light" has offered Alex some seriously beautiful landscape images.
24 Jun 2015 08:26:00
Deconstructed Objects By Todd McLellan

It is simply staggering how complicated some items really are. We never think about it, but some items that we use every day consist of hundreds of parts meticulously put together and working perfectly. Todd McLellan is a photographer who based his newest book “Things Come Apart” on the complexity of various old and new tech. By carefully taking apart various items and arranging all of the parts in perfect order, Todd has allowed us not only to look inside various appliances, but also to appreciate the astounding complexity of these items. Just like the human mind, we are so used to seeing and talking with people that we forget just how complicated their minds really are. It would be great if we could “take apart” the human mind in order to gain some insight into the person’s thoughts and desires. However, very few people are capable of doing it, while the rest will remain blind to the obvious. (Photo by Todd McLellan)
15 Nov 2014 12:30:00
Inside My Dreams By Achraf Baznani

Moroccan photographer and filmmaker Achraf Baznani carries on the traditions of Surrealism with his wild, imaginative, and wholly impractical imagery. Among his inventive scenarios, small human figures—often the artist himself—appear trapped within glass jars or the size of a camera lens; in other works, Baznani more or less dissects his body, as for example, in one, he cleanly removes his brain from his cranium, or in another, twists off his hand, much as if it were a light bulb. Imparted throughout such works are strong senses of humor and wonder, and as such, Baznani’s art offers a Surrealistic take on life experience in the digital age.
03 Aug 2014 12:04:00
Amazing Photography By Handy Andy Pandy

Hi! I’m Andy, a ginger with a camera. I’m a Melbourne-based photographer who’s more than a little obsessed with Photoshop. I’m currently working on a 365 Project, creating one image every single day for a year.

Handy Andy Pandy
12 Jul 2014 12:01:00
Fun Laws In America By Olivia Locher

Many laws still in existence throughout the united states are wildly outdated, rendering them completely ridiculous, useless and bizarre. The absurdity is illustrated by new York-based photographer Olivia Locher, who catalogs the crazy rules and regulations of each state in a playful photographic series ‘I fought the law’. Readers might be surprised to learn that in Rhode island, it is illegal to wear transparent clothing, nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool in California and Arizona residents may not have more than two dildos in a house. Take a look at the ongoing series below to find out more about the peculiar oddities present in the American legal system.
09 Jun 2014 11:36:00