An unidentified man brandishes a gun during a protest against a new citizenship law outside the Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India, January 30, 2020. The gunman went live on Facebook to warn he was taking his “final journey” before firing at the protest. (Photo by Danish Siddiqui/Reuters)

An unidentified man brandishes a gun during a protest against a new citizenship law outside the Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India, January 30, 2020. The gunman went live on Facebook to warn he was taking his “final journey” before firing at the protest. (Photo by Danish Siddiqui/Reuters)
01 Feb 2020 00:07:00
Meet Boo – The World's Cutest Dog

Everyone loves Boo! His signature fluffy head and teddy bear like persona are irresistibly adorable. With nearly a million Facebook fans, and adding more each day, Boo is poised to become an international superstar.
19 Nov 2012 13:08:00
Brazilian Billionaire Buries His Bentley

62-year-old Count Scarpa, a quirky millionaire from Sao Paolo, Brazil, announced he has decided to do like the pharaohs and entomb his $500,000 Bentley Continental Flying Spur in his back garden, on Monday, via Facebook.
12 Mar 2015 08:33:00
Zombie enthiusiasts gather near the broadcast tower at Alexanderplatz before setting out on a “Zombie Walk” in the city center on October 27, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Approximately 150 zombies, who had organized themselves through Facebook, walked and limped across Alexanderplatz, growled and moaned at passersby and performed their jerking dances. (Photo by Sean Gallup)

Zombie enthiusiasts gather near the broadcast tower at Alexanderplatz before setting out on a “Zombie Walk” in the city center on October 27, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Approximately 150 zombies, who had organized themselves through Facebook, walked and limped across Alexanderplatz, growled and moaned at passersby and performed their jerking dances. (Photo by Sean Gallup)
28 Oct 2012 11:01:00
Lego Anatomy by Jason Freeny

Jason Freeny is pretty well known for his dissection illustrations and toys, showing the inner workings of just about every pop culture icon or toy out there. His latest drool-worthy work is a trio of 18″ anatomical Lego men figures. You can see Jason’s entire creation process of these little masterpieces via his Facebook.
10 Aug 2013 07:04:00
Japanese Boy and His Bulldog

The cutest Instagram ever! Tokyo-based mother Aya Sakai is taking pictures everyday of her son Tasuku and his best friend, a French Bulldog ‘Muu’ and post it on Instagram and her Facebook page. Whether the two are watching tv on their ‘favorite’ cushion or cuddling on the couch or sleeping together, the two just can’t seem to get enough of each other. Probably the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time…
29 Aug 2013 10:24:00

Greetings, our dear visitors!

Without mincing words we would like to present a feature: Self-Publishing, let's call it Samizdat. :-) Sure we aren't Flickr, StumbleUpon or add_whatever_you_like, we're really small in comparison with these giants but we have constant, very attentive and grateful audience. All we can offer you is a place on the main page and attention of all our visitors to your posts, the things that are hard to achieve on numerous social services. Who knows, maybe tiny and humble indie project like AvaxNews will be much more helpful in searching of your audience than facebook for example. %-)
11 Oct 2013 10:17:00
Protesters wearing inflatable breasts stand outside Facebook's headquarters in central London on Wednesday September 1, 2021, to complain about the social media giant's images algorithm. The aim of the event is for all medical tattoo artists and breast cancer survivors to be able to freely post images without the pictures being removed and the accounts blocked. (Photo by Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images)

Protesters wearing inflatable breasts stand outside Facebook's headquarters in central London on Wednesday September 1, 2021, to complain about the social media giant's images algorithm. The aim of the event is for all medical tattoo artists and breast cancer survivors to be able to freely post images without the pictures being removed and the accounts blocked. (Photo by Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images)
03 Sep 2021 08:37:00