American science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology, uses his Hubbard Electrometer

“Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (March 13, 1911 – January 24, 1986), better known as L. Ron Hubbard (and often referred to by his initials, LRH), was an American pulp fiction author and religious leader who founded the Church of Scientology. After establishing a career as a writer, becoming best known for his science fiction and fantasy stories, he developed a self-help system called Dianetics which was first published in May 1950. He subsequently developed his ideas into a wide-ranging set of doctrines and rituals as part of a new religious movement that he called Scientology. His writings became the guiding texts for the Church of Scientology and a number of affiliated organizations that address such diverse topics as business administration, literacy and drug rehabilitation”. – Wikipedia

Photo: American science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology, uses his Hubbard Electrometer (patent pending) to determine whether tomatoes experience pain, 1959. His work led him to the conclusion that tomatoes “scream when sliced”. (Photo by Scott Lauder/Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
09 Sep 2011 09:34:00
“Karma” by Do-Ho Suh. Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden, New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA. (Photo by Alan Teo)

“Do-Ho Suh addresses issues of identity, memory, and relationships. Son of the famous Korean ink-painter Suh Se-Ok, Do-Ho Suh is a leading figure in the transnational avant-garde generation of Korean artists who came of age in the late 1990s, and his work eloquently represents a dual consciousness between East and West”.

Photo: “Karma” by Do-Ho Suh. Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden, New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA. (Photo by Alan Teo)

05 Mar 2013 09:37:00
The Rubbery Mutants of Ji Yong Ho

Korean art Ji Yong Ho uses pieces of used tire to create rubbery artworks he refers to as mutants.
20 Sep 2012 09:40:00
The Lonely Tree By  Myoung Ho Lee

Myoung Ho Lee‘s 2007 Tree series is about as peaceful and serene as the scenery itself. In the series, the young South Korean photographer touches upon the subjects of physical isolation and visual confirmation. By placing the tree in front of a stark white background, Lee creates a false separation that plays a delightful game with the mind’s eye.
30 May 2014 09:23:00
Gue(ho)st House In France

Architects Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus get scary with this sculptural,bogey-inspired arts center in France. Situated behind the severe Synagogue de Delme, the center's design transforms an old house, which previously served as a prison, a school, and most recently a funeral home. The new intervention draws inspiration from the latter, cloaking the structure in a white veil of molded concrete that creates a "living body" which expands into the surrounding areas of the house.
26 Jan 2014 12:05:00
Amazing Sculptures by Korean Artist Do-Ho Suh

Suh was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1962. After earning his Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts in Oriental Painting from Seoul National University, and fulfilling his term of mandatory service in the South Korean military, Suh relocated to the United States to continue his studies at the Rhode Island School of Design and Yale University.

07 Mar 2013 11:35:00

Bayartsenge –l Busgui mine chi ineemsegle (Баярцэнгэл – Бүсгүй минь чи инээмсэглэж яваарай)
04 Dec 2019 00:03:00
Bioluminescent phytoplankton washes up on Maldives beach. (Photo by Will Ho)

While vacationing on the Maldives Islands, Taiwanese amateur photographer Will Ho stumbled onto an incredible stretch of beach covered in millions of bioluminescent phytoplankton. These tiny organisms glow similarly to fireflies and tend to emit light when stressed, such as when waves crash or when they are otherwise agitated. While the phenomenon and its chemical mechanisms have been known for some time, biologists have only recently began to understand the reasons behind it. Photo: Bioluminescent phytoplankton washes up on Maldives beach. (Photo by Will Ho)
07 Feb 2014 10:03:00