Cheburashka 2. 2011 - Help Japan

Cheburashka 2. 2011 - Help Japan

We all play the good guys as kids, but far from all of us grow up to be good, upstanding people.

Oleg Dou
23 May 2012 03:20:00
Love Story Photography by Elovich

Creative photographer Elovich created a beautiful series of conceptual photographs focusing the concept of love. These photographs precedes the realization of photography.
11 Dec 2012 09:02:00
The Story of Pin By Jun.C

Two Year ago, we featured some creative nail photography by Vlad Artazov, who used nails to create some lovely and moving scenarios. The story of Nail Art is still one of most popular post on our site. And today’s topic: The story of Pin is a kind of similar photography work by Jun.C, a professional portrait photographer. Not sure whether Jun’s work was inspired by Vlad Artazov, but that is definitely worth seeing still. Let us know which one you like better? Nail or Pin?
06 Aug 2013 09:35:00
Stories Doubleheads Campaign

Where will yours take you? Stories! The bookstore
Advertising Agency: Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg, Germany
17 Mar 2014 13:25:00
In this photo taken on Thursday, July 23, 2015 migrants  enter a train to Serbia at the railway station in the southern Macedonian town of Gevgelija. (Photo by Boris Grdanoski/AP Photo)

In this photo taken on Thursday, July 23, 2015 migrants enter a train to Serbia at the railway station in the southern Macedonian town of Gevgelija. The country has become a major transit route for thousands of Middle Eastern and African refugees and migrants who cross over from Greece and then continue into Serbia. (Photo by Boris Grdanoski/AP Photo)
25 Jul 2015 12:29:00
Flowers are placed on a “comfort woman” statue during the weekly Wednesday protest in front of Japanese embassy demanding for an apology and compensation from Japanese government in Seoul, South Korea, July 22, 2015. (Photo by Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)

Flowers are placed on a “comfort woman” statue during the weekly Wednesday protest in front of Japanese embassy demanding for an apology and compensation from Japanese government in Seoul, South Korea, July 22, 2015. “Comfort women” is the Japanese euphemism for women who were forced into prostitution and sexually abused at Japanese military brothels before and during World War Two. (Photo by Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)
13 Aug 2015 11:06:00

Over the past few weeks we have seen a massive popularity spike in “small space” architecture and design. The latest project to come across our desks is this beautiful Hus-1 Residence. The tiny dwelling is just 270 square feet and was both built and designed by the Swedish architect Torsten Ottesjö. ...

20 Jul 2012 09:34:00
little people street art

The street artist known only as Slinkachu has been abandoning little people on the streets of London since 2006. His first project, “Little People in the City”, saw minature men, women and children living their lives on the streets of London and was immortalised in the 2008 book entitled “Little People in the City”. Since then, Slinkachu has done a number of other projects, notably “Whatever Happened to the Men of Tomorrow” which documented the decline of a tiny, middleaged and balding super-hero on the streets of London and “Inner City Snail – a slow moving street art project” which saw Slinkachu “customising” a number of London snails which then presumably went about their business none the wiser.
09 Jun 2012 12:11:00
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