Two Girls who managed to evade the police walk away as police on foot and horseback push back to te curd at Park Row, In New York on April 26, 1960, A milling throng of more than 1,000 High students who storned city hall in a Demonstration supporting teachers wage demands. (Photo by AP Photo)

Two Girls who managed to evade the police walk away as police on foot and horseback push back to te curd at Park Row, In New York on April 26, 1960, A milling throng of more than 1,000 High students who storned city hall in a Demonstration supporting teachers wage demands. (Photo by AP Photo)
25 Jun 2018 00:05:00
New program of Munich's Krone Circus performed by two American artists “The Carmenas” during a press conference in Munich, Germany on January 10, 1962, while sitting in a coffee-house. (Photo by Heinrich Sanden Sr./AP Photo)

New program of Munich's Krone Circus performed by two American artists “The Carmenas” during a press conference in Munich, Germany on January 10, 1962, while sitting in a coffee-house. (Photo by Heinrich Sanden Sr./AP Photo)
12 Jul 2018 00:05:00
German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) enjoys a quiet picnic between meetings, circa 1933. Picture 196 of a series of collectable images published in Germany during the Nazi period, entitled “Deutschland Erwacht” (Germany Awakes). (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) enjoys a quiet picnic between meetings, circa 1933. Picture 196 of a series of collectable images published in Germany during the Nazi period, entitled “Deutschland Erwacht” (Germany Awakes). (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
16 Jul 2018 00:01:00
Even upside down, a stereophonic turntable continues to play and  hold the interest of Helen Sorowitz, a visitor to the New York High Fidelity Show in New York, September 9, 1960. (Photo by Ruben Goldberg/AP Photo)

Even upside down, a stereophonic turntable continues to play and hold the interest of Helen Sorowitz, a visitor to the New York High Fidelity Show in New York, September 9, 1960. (Photo by Ruben Goldberg/AP Photo)
14 Mar 2018 00:05:00
Women dancing at the disco club Xenon in New York City in 1978. (Photo by Waring Abbott/Getty Images)

Women dancing at the disco club Xenon in New York City, USA in 1978. Xenon was a popular disco in Manhattan in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was the only nightclub popular enough to compete with Studio 54. (Photo by Waring Abbott/Getty Images)
20 Mar 2018 00:01:00
A hint of Spring Fever is evidenced by this passerby tipping his hat to a store fixture mannequin on a State St. sidewalk in downtown Chicago on March 23, 1978. The mannequin was awaiting pickup to be transported. (Photo by AP Photo)

A hint of Spring Fever is evidenced by this passerby tipping his hat to a store fixture mannequin on a State St. sidewalk in downtown Chicago on March 23, 1978. The mannequin was awaiting pickup to be transported. (Photo by AP Photo)
04 Apr 2018 00:03:00
Mae Zelinsky, left, and Betty O'Beda test ammunition on a .30 caliber rifle at a Remington Arms plant on April 30, 1943. Many women took over jobs that were left vacant when men went overseas to fight in World War II. (Photo by AP Photo)

Mae Zelinsky, left, and Betty O'Beda test ammunition on a .30 caliber rifle at a Remington Arms plant on April 30, 1943. Many women took over jobs that were left vacant when men went overseas to fight in World War II. (Photo by AP Photo)
09 May 2018 00:05:00
Gunfire was brought to the steps of President Truman's Washington home, Blair House, as two assassins tried to kill the chief executive, November 1, 1950. One of the gunmen, Oscar Collazzo of New York, lay wounded at the bottom of Blair House's front steps after the president's police guard had finished their work, at the cost of one guards' life, Dec. 9, 1950. The second gunman was killed. (Photo by Harvey Georges/AP Photo)

Gunfire was brought to the steps of President Truman's Washington home, Blair House, as two assassins tried to kill the chief executive, November 1, 1950. One of the gunmen, Oscar Collazzo of New York, lay wounded at the bottom of Blair House's front steps after the president's police guard had finished their work, at the cost of one guards' life, Dec. 9, 1950. The second gunman was killed. (Photo by Harvey Georges/AP Photo)
13 Jun 2018 00:03:00