Portrait of a girl from the neuropsychiatric boarding facility for girls. (Photo by Anastasia Rudenko)

“Elat’ma, the Ryazan Oblast region of Russia. This small town is only 300 kilometers (186 miles) from modern Moscow but remains 60 years in the past, dominated by the spirit of socialism. The air of the communist ‘50s can be seen in the town’s architecture, celebrations and other occurrences. But neither its beauty nor its ties to a socialist past brought photographer Anastasia Rudenko to this village. Elat’ma is unique in that it functions as a town for mentally disabled people”. – Michelle Cohan via CNN. (Photo by Anastasia Rudenko)
09 Sep 2014 08:20:00
Donut Doubles By Brandon Voges

Ever wonder what a human head would look like if he or she was turned into a pastry? Well now you can, thanks to the works created by the photographer Brandon Voges. Some of the pictures are light and funny, while others are pretty gruesome and outright disgusting. For example, the comparison of an old lady with some chunky, orange-colored pastry coated with what looks like syrup, really makes you lose your appetite. It is a wonder how they decided to use such an unappealing picture to promote an annual food show of the National Restaurant Association. (Photo by Brandon Voges)
17 Oct 2014 07:00:00
Kenguru Electric Car For Disabled People

Never before was there a car designed exclusively for handicapped people that can only move around in a wheelchair. In the past, such people had to rely on others to drive them. Thus, it was impossible to be spontaneous and drive somewhere on a whim. Now, however, a completely revolutionary vehicle has been invented. Kenguru electric car allows for the person to roll into the back of it right on their wheelchair, strap in, and start driving. Though this vehicle might not be very fast with the maximum speed of 25 mph, it is will certainly make the lives of countless people much easier. (Photo by Kenguru.com)
20 Oct 2014 08:38:00
The Japanese Use A Real Rabbits As Case For Smartphone

If you see a weird trend or a mind boggling commercial, you know that it’s from Japan. Take the latest one for example. You might be misled be the title into thinking that those bloody bastards are killing poor rabbits and making iPhone cases out of them. However, the reality is much more adorable. The new trend is placing iPhones on rabbit’s tummies and taking pictures of it. Rabbits make the perfect iPhone holders! Not only are they fluffy as hell, they can also nibble on your fingers while you try to type a message, or try voiding your iPhone’s warranty by shaking your iPhone off while trying to escape this humiliation.
27 Oct 2014 11:53:00
MB&F Horological Machine No. 6 Space Pirate

All throughout history of mankind people were fascinated by time, its flow, and how to measure it. Thus, the science of horology can into being, as people invented more and more sophisticated ways of measuring the passage of time. Truly, it’s one of the most profound characteristics of being a human, to feel and to ponder the meaning of time, its properties, and will we ever be able to move through it, not with it. Now, however, horology is mainly referred to the art of mechanical watchmaking. (Photo by MB&F)
14 Nov 2014 13:51:00
Google & Adidas – Talking Shoe

The shoe works similarly to a fitness tracking device, using an accelerometer, gyroscope, Bluetooth and other off-the-shelf technologies to analyze the wearer’s movements and offer motivating and timely commentary. It might tell you to get going if you’ve been idle for too long or cheer you on if it senses you being very active. Its comments can be posted to Google+ by the user, sent to real-time ad units, or broadcast via onboard speakers.
13 Mar 2013 11:49:00
Vocklabruck Platform In The Middle Of A Lake

There's a wonderfully picturesque spot in Vöcklabruck, Austria where visitors are able to sit in the middle of a pond without getting wet. The scenic landscape includes a path leading down to a hollowed out circular area where people can take a seat and relax amongst nature. It's a surreal journey along the gradual ramp to the observational platform as the water level gains height either side. Once in the resting area, depending on perspective, visitors seem like they're wading in the lake without a drop of water on them.
09 Apr 2013 09:23:00
Christophe Huet – The Master of Retouching. Part1

French retoucher Christophe Huet is a true photoshop Master! His work is fascinating. He is the one who creates the famous advertising for Playstation, but also some for Nike, Motorola, Surfrider Foundation…. I spend an hour on his site looking all of his work, and the Best of all is that he has few working progress slideshows where you can see the process of each image, Like the one above… Its really interesting and inspiring.
21 May 2013 12:29:00