Theridion grallator, also known as the "happy face spider", is a spider in the family Theridiidae. Its Hawaiian name is nananana makakiʻi (face-patterned spider). The specific epithet grallator is Latin for "stilt walker", a reference to the species' long, spindly legs.
This line of sci-fi and horror-inspired popsicles comes from ice cream maker and clothing designer Stoyn. Some of the flavors -- apple carrot puree, tomato hot pepper -- sound a little unappetizing, but Mario's Tequila Sunrise is probably pretty good, and definitely not as creepy looking.
Paintings of Japanese artist are blooming irises, river, the trees above the river, streams, where trout splashing… fresh breeze from the river, drizzling warm rain and snow in the winter reigns the silence. The spring cherry blossoms and autumn golden trees silently drop onto the ground. Koukei Kojima paints in the style of “Sansam,” so called landscape painting in Japan and dors it very well