One of three Sperm Whales, which were found washed ashore near Skegness over the weekend, lays on a beach on January 25, 2016 in Skegness, England. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

One of three Sperm Whales, which were found washed ashore near Skegness over the weekend, lays on a beach on January 25, 2016 in Skegness, England. The whales are thought to have been from the same pod as another animal that was found on Hunstanton beach in Norfolk on Friday. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
26 Jan 2016 12:03:00
Dead sperm whales are seen washed up on a beach on Texel Island, The Netherlands, January 13, 2016. The five sperm whales that beached on the Dutch lsland of Texel on Tuesday have died overnight, Dutch media reported. It is extremely unusual for so many whales to be in Dutch waters, a spokesman for the Ecomare marine centre told local paper Noordhollands Dagblad. (Photo by Cris Toala Olivares/Reuters)

Dead sperm whales are seen washed up on a beach on Texel Island, The Netherlands, January 13, 2016. The five sperm whales that beached on the Dutch lsland of Texel on Tuesday have died overnight, Dutch media reported. It is extremely unusual for so many whales to be in Dutch waters, a spokesman for the Ecomare marine centre told local paper Noordhollands Dagblad. Efforts to get the whales back into open water on Tuesday evening failed and rescuers finally withdrew from the beach at around midnight. The area of beach where the whales are has been closed to the public, to minimise the distress to the animals. (Photo by Cris Toala Olivares/Reuters)
15 Jan 2016 08:04:00
These images show the unique bond a group of free divers formed with gigantic sperm whales. Swimming just inches away from the huge mammals, the divers are dwarfed in size, made to look like specks in comparison. The photos were taken by renowned underwater photographers Alexandre Roubaud and Alexandre Voyer, who are based in Paris but travel the world to capture such stunning imagery. Here: a diver with a sperm whales. (Photo by Alexandre Roubaud/Alexandre Voyer/Caters News)

These images show the unique bond a group of free divers formed with gigantic sperm whales. Swimming just inches away from the huge mammals, the divers are dwarfed in size, made to look like specks in comparison. The photos were taken by renowned underwater photographers Alexandre Roubaud and Alexandre Voyer, who are based in Paris but travel the world to capture such stunning imagery. Here: a diver with a sperm whales. (Photo by Alexandre Roubaud/Alexandre Voyer/Caters News)
16 Nov 2015 08:06:00
“Sperm whale opening it's huge mouth, Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Sperm whales are the biggest carnivorous animals on the planet. Each teeth in the mouth of adult specimen weights more than 1 kilogram. Interestingly enough that modern marine biologists believe that these teeth despite being fearsome play little role in capturing and eating giant squid – with their main function being mainly ritual aggression between males!”. (Alexander Safonov)

“Sperm whale opening it's huge mouth, Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Sperm whales are the biggest carnivorous animals on the planet. Each teeth in the mouth of adult specimen weights more than 1 kilogram. Interestingly enough that modern marine biologists believe that these teeth despite being fearsome play little role in capturing and eating giant squid – with their main function being mainly ritual aggression between males!”. (Photo by Alexander Safonov)
30 Nov 2012 11:22:00
A dead sperm whale is seen on the beach on March 18, 2012 in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province of China

A dead sperm whale is seen on the beach on March 18, 2012 in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province of China. Four giant sperm whales, which were found beached on the beach of Xintan Salt Field on Friday, died on Saturday despite rescue efforts. (Photo by ChinaFotoPress)
19 Mar 2012 12:30:00
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